Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1990

6.6 Match Interrupted by the Weather Should one or more interruptions occur, due to the weather or bad light, totall ing less than 30 minutes then the full match shall be played (i.e. the original number of overs as from start of play) If the interruptions total 30 minutes or more, then play shall cease five hours plus one hour or 20 overs, whichever is the longer, after the scheduled time of starting (or at the end of the permitted overs, whichever is the sooner) but the innings of the first batting side shall not exceed hal f the permitted overs. A minimum of 20 overs shall be bowled in the last hour of play, subject to: (a) That where play does not recommence unti l a time during the last sch ed uled hour, the number of overs left shall be reduced by one fo r every complete or part of three m inutes lost in that hour . (b) Provided always that not more than the ma x imum permitted number of overs are bowled in the match. A match can be abandoned prior to the scheduled finishing time by mutual agreement of the two captains . Personal performances in uncompleted matches shall count in players' averages. 6.7 Match Results The home club must ad vise the League Fixture Secretary of the result of the match on the official SC'l resheet provided, posted not later than 48 hours after the match. A fine as per Rule 8 shall be imposed for non-compliance. Captains shall indicate the ir opponent's outstanding fielder in the space provided on the scoresheet. Captains shall also mark the umpires as per Rule 5.1. 6.8 lntP,YVals The tea interval shall be 20 minutes. The interval between innings shall be 10 minutes, but under no circumstances shall the 30 minutes be taken at one time . 6 .9 General Points (a) Umpires shall report any club not ready to start at the precise appointed time. The offending club and start time should be noted on the scoresheet. Offending clubs shall be fined as per Rule 8. (b) An over which cannot be completed because of the incapacitation or suspension of the bowler shall be completed by another member of the -fielding side, other than the bowler at the opposite end. (c) The outgoing batsman must meet the incoming batsman outside the pavilion. Umpires shall report any flagrant breach of this rule . (d) Each fielding side shall provide its own ball. It shall not be com– pulsory to provide a new ball, but the ball provided shall be leather– covered and approved as fit by the umpires, and must be in their possession before the fielding side takes the field. 7. SCORING OF POINTS 18 7 .1 General The Leagues shall be decided on a points scoring system, where the team with most points at the end of the season shall be the Divisional winners . Points can be scored in two ways: (a) On the result of the match . (b) Bonuses for batting and bowling. A tied game is defined as a match where the two teams finish with equal runs scored, irrespective of the number of wickets lost. A drawn game is defined as one where both teams have received their allotted number of overs, but no definite result emerges. An interrupted game is defined as one where, because of interruptions by the weather, both teams have not received their allotted overs and no definite result has emerged.