Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1990

BRITISH STEEL - GENERAL STEELS Scunthorpe Works A Division of British Steel pie A combination of new technology and streamlining has put the British Steels Scunthorpe Works alongside the best in Europe. The Works was the first fully integrated plant to be awarded Lloyds Register Qual ity Assurance Third Party Certification . We supply semi-finished products for re-rolling, plates and sections for the North Sea Oil industries, sheet piling for civil engineering, colliery arches for the mining industry and joists, sections, angles and beams for the construction industry. Enquiries to: B.S. General Steels, PO Box 1, Scunthorpe, South Humberside. TelSCUNTHORPE(0724) 280280 Telex: 52601 Telefax: Ext. 2 191