Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1992

sent to the Fixture Secretary stating "No Resulr. 6.5 Start Delayed Due to Bad Weather or other valid cause The captains can mutually agree to cancel a fixture if they are both on th ground, but in any case, no match shall start any later than three hours after the origi al start time. If the start of play is delayed for less than 30 minutes, then the full 90 ove match shall be played. If the start of play is delayed for 30 minutes or more, then o ers shall be deducted from the total for the match according to the following table: Start Time Delay (mins.) Overs to be Played 0 to 29 .............................................................. 90 30 to 44 .............................................................. 86 45 to 59 .............................................................. 82 60 to 74 .............................................................. 78 75 to 89 .............................................................. 74 90 to 104 .............................................................. 70 105 to 119 .............................................................. 66 120 to 134 .............................................................. 62 135 to 149 .............................................................. 58 150 to 164 .............................................................. 54 165 to 179 min. match length ............................... 50 6.6 Match interrupted by the Weather Should one or more interruptions occur, due to the weather or bad light otalling less than 30 minutes then the full match shall be played ( i.e. the original num r of overs as from the start of play if the interruptions total 30 minutes or more,th n play shall cease five hours plus one hour or 20 overs, whichever is the long r, after the scheduled time of starring (or at the end of the permitted overs, whicJever is the sooner) but the innings of the first batting side shall not exceed half t~\e permitted overs. A minimum of 20 overs shall be bowled in the last hour of play, subject to: (a) That where play does not recommence until a time during he last schedulfd hour, the number of overs left shall be reduced by one for every complete or p rt of three minutes lost in that hour. (b) Provided always that not more than the maximum permitted number ~ overs are bowled in the match. A match can be abandoned prior to the scheduled fipishing time by mutual agreement of the two captains. Personal performances in l completed matches shall count in players' averages. 6.7 Match Results The home club must advise the League Fixture Secretary of the result of e match on the official scoresheet provided, posted not later than 48 hours after the f118.tch. A fine as per rule 8 shall be imposed for non-compliance. Captains shall inillicate their opponent's outstanding fielder in the space provided on the scoresheet. C tains shall also mark the umpires as per Rule 5.1 . 6.8 Intervals The tea interval shall be 20 minutes. The interval between innings shall be but under no circumstances shall the 30 minutes be taken at one time. 6.9 General Points (a) Umpires shall report any club not ready to start at the precise appointe time. The offending dub and start time should be noted on the scoresheet. Offending clubs shall be fined as per Rule 8. (b) An over which cannot be completed because of the incapacitation or suspe sion of the bowler shall be completed by another member of the fielding side, oth r than the bowler at the opposite end. (c) The outgoing batsman must meet the incoming batsman outside the pavilio . Umpires shall report any flagrant breach of this rule. (d) Teams shall use a standard cricket ball in all League and cup games.The bal (s)shall be agreed by the Executive Committee each year for the forthcoming season A fine as per Rule 8.2 shall be applied on each occasion that a team abuses this rule. Each 15