Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1992

fielding side shall provide its own ball. It shall not be compulsory to provide a new b but the ball provided shall be leather-covered and approved as fit by the umpires, a must be in their possession before the fielding side takes the field . 7. SCORING POINTS 7.1 General The Leagues shall be decided on a points scoring system, where the team with m points at the end of the season shall be the Divisional winners. Points can be scored two ways: (a) On the result of the match. (b) Bonuses for batting and bowling. A tied match is defined as a match where the two teams finish with equal runes score irrespective of the number of wickets lost. A drawn game is defined as one where bo teams have received their allotted number of overs, but no definite result emerges. t interrupted game is defined as one where, because of interruptions by the weath both teams have not received their allotted overs and no definite result has emerged. 7.2 Points on Result (a) For an outright win-20 points, (inclusive of bonus points) to the team scoring mo runs, provided that the opposition have been dismissed or declared i(b) In a drav game, 7 points for the team scoring most runs and 3 points for the opponents. (c) 5 points each in a tied game. (d) 0 points for a defeat. (e) 5 points each in an interfered or cancelled game. 7.3 Bonus Points BATTING-One point will be awarded for a team when it scores its 100th run in innings and further points as 120, 140, 160 and 180 runs (a maximum of 5 point BOWLING-One point will be awarded on the fall of the 3rd wicket of their opponent innings and further points at the fall of the 5th, 7th and 9th. A maximum of 5 points a awarded if the opposing team are dismissed. Bonus points gained in interfer matches count to a club's total. In the event of a team withdrawing from the Leag during the playing season all points earned shall be deducted , but perso performances allowed to stand. 8. FEES AND FINES 8. 1 General The amount of each fee and fine shall be decided annually at the A.G.M., and sh come into effect from the date of that meeting. If any fee or fine is not paid within days of the date of the account, the amount shall automatically be doubled. The ann subscription shall be paid not later than seven days after the A.G.M. or this amou shall be automatically doubled. 8.2 Fees and Fines For 1991 they are: Failure to attend A.G.M. .....:.............................................. £10.00 Failure to attend Executive Meeting.... .............................. £5.00 Fee to accompany complaint ...... ................... .... ............... £3.00 Annual Subscription .......................................................... £15.00 Ground Inspection Fee.................... .... .............................. £8.00 Failure to fulfil a fixture ............................ ............... ........... £15.00 Transfer Fee................. ..................................................... £3.00 Umpires' Fee-plus expenses-Day ................................ £6.00 Umpires' Fee-plus expenses-Evening.......................... £3.00 Late Result Sheet............................................... ............... £5.00 Failure to start match on time...... ...................................... £5.00 Non-return of trophies by or at January Meeting............... £5.00 Non-use of standard cricket ball........................................ £10.00 Where there is only one umpire at a match, the fee shall be 1112 times the normal fe1 (plus expenses). 16