Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1992

WE ALSO APPEAR OVERNIGHt ...... ,.,,..., h.,. .,...., ••,...,""' .. ... ' w,,., ""'"'- o,. '" ,ho,i '"µply oad yo, aee,1 them ia o he"Y; Spoldfog, will •ol,e yae, p,ob/em, Simply <all oe, aembe, o,d p,o,;de,J '"'" <><de, beio.,, 3pm we'll de/;,., to'°"' fo,m the ,.,,. ,.,, Wo,kiag day. We ol,o deli,., Weekly, r..e ol <ho,.., fo, I,., "'OOat <>de~. o.,, fo..m.n· ExP<ou s.,,k. co...,"'°" "'9os of mo;n/an4 U( and COsfs ivst £ 7.SO on Order, uncle,- £ 1.SO. ~ O\'er- £ISO i'lCur a 5~ $4.trcho,pe, 34 os22 soo6oo