Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1994

OUTCASTS C.C... Ground: Hirst Priory, Crowle. Secretary: M. THOMPSON 2 Belton Road, Epworth, Doncaster.DN9 1JL Tel. (0427)872480 Fixtures: J. WATSON (0724) 710572 Cancellations: 1. D. HOBSON (0724) 71044 2. A. CHAFOR (0724) 711431 3. SECRETARY OWMBYC.C. Ground: Todmoor, Owmby Secretary: MRS. B. COLES Highgate Lane, Norrnanby-by-Spital, Lincoln. LN2 3HQ Tel. (0673) 878203 Fixtures: B. SKAYMAN 14 Blankney Crescent, Ermine Estate, Lincoln. LN2 2EP Tel. (0522) 545244 Cancellations: 1. NICK CROWE (0673) 878661 2. FIXTURE SECRETARY THE RUSTON C.C. Ground: Newark Road, Lincoln. Tel. (0522) 692900 Secretary: S. BURCHETT 5 Woodvale Avenue, Doddington Park, Lincoln. LN6 3RD Tel. (0522) 685089 (Home): (0522) 512612, EXT. 6262 (Office) Fixtures: SECRETARY Cancellations: 1. JIM DAVIS (0522) 522816 2. S. ARKLE (0522 501674 3. CLUB SCUNTHORPE TOWN C.C. Ground: Haslam Park, Ashby Road, Scunthorpe. Tel. (0724) 843013 Secretary: RAY CRANIDGE 137 Sheffield Street, Scunthorpe, South Humberside. DN15 7LZ Tel. (0724) 867819 Correspondence to The Chairman, Scunthorpe Town Cricket Club, Heslam Park. Ashby Road, Scunthorpe. DN16 2AG Fixtures: SECRETARY Cancellations: 1. ROBYN WILKINSON (0724) 853750 2. CLUB 9