Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1994

WE ALSO APPEAR OVERNIGHT. ,, ' \' ,. ,• 30,000 Farmers have already solved the mystery: When spare parts are in shod supply and you need them in a hurry; Spaldings will solve your problems. Simply call our number and provid_ed you order before 3pm we'll deliver to your farm the very next working day. We also deliver weekly, free of charge, for less urgent orders. 1 1t, f!j ! I] i ~ Bi i:1,iMl·i%1@MM,ii+Hii,iiii,i,' Our Farmers' Express Service co11ers most areas d mainland UK O522 500600 and costs just £7.50 on orders under £150 Orders over £150 incur a 5% suri:harge. 36