Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1995
NATIONAL CRICKET ASSOCIATION RULES OF DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES Adopted by Lincolnshire County Cricket League as from 1992 DISCIPLINE 1. It shall be a disciplinary of offence a) for any player in the course of or in connection with a match to misconduct himself or to act at any time m a manner calculated to prejudice the good name or in erests of the League. an.A b) for an Club to fail properly to control or discipline its players or to act in a manner calculated to prejudice the good name or interests of the League and the player and Club committing an offence shall be liable to penaltiesJi the manner and is described hereafter. 2. For the purposes of these Rules the expression ·"the player" shall througho these Rules be deemed to mean and include not only any player whether a professional or otherwise but also any member or official or any dub or if appropriate any other person involved in any incident possible misconduct occurring on the field of play or on the prlmises of the club as may be appropriate in the particular circumstances. 3. Before any penalty is imposed there shall be disciplinary hearing before th Disciplinary Sub-Committee of the League. At least 7 days' notice in writing of the heari~g and of the offence alleged shall he given to the player or in the case of a Club, its1secretary in writing. The player and Club shall be entitled to attend the hearing (in the case of a Club by its secretary or other officials) to be legally or otherwise represente I and to call witnesses. 4. If at the hearing the Disciplinary Sub-Committee find the offence alleged p oved it shall have the power to impose one of the following penalties: a) in the case of a player (i) expulsion from the League; (ii) suspension for one or more matches (iii) a fine of not more than £100; (iv) reprimand. Save that a player may be for the same offence both suspended and fined. b) in the case of a Club: (i) expulsion from the League (ii) expulsion from any cup competition of the League; (iii) deduction of points in the League: (iv) a fine oi not more than £140 Save that a Club for the same offence may be subject to both deduction of poin s and a fine. 5. A player or Club found by the Di sciplinary Committee to have committed n offence or upon whom the Disciplinary Sub-Committee has imposed a penalty shall ha e the right of Appeal to the (Appeals Sub-Committee). Notice of Appeal setting out the rounds must be given in writing to the Secretary of the League within 7 days of the decision of the Disciplinary Sub-Committee together with a deposit of £25. Upon giving Not/Jce of Appeal the penalty shall not take effect pending the hearing of the Appeal. 6. The Appeal shall be by way of rehearing. The player or Club shall have the same right of -attendance and representation and to call witnesses as they had before th, 1 Disciplinary Sub-Committee. 7. The (Appeals Sub-Committee) may confirm. vary or reverse the decision of the Disciplinary Sub-Committee. save that it shall not have the power to increase the I enalty. The (Appeals Sub-Committee) shall also have the power where they consider the appeal to be without merit to order the the deposit be forfeited. 8. The decision of the (Appeals Sub-Committee) or if no appeal of the Disci linary Sub– committee, shall be final and binding. 19
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