Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1996

ONTHE BALL Winning isn't easy. Particularly in today's highly competitive commercial world. Which is why you need the strongest of teams around you. Team-players - true business partners like Kidsons Impey - who workwith you to strengthen your chances ofsuccess. People who have all the financial, tax, management and industry skills you could ask for. People accustomed to working with a wide range ofclients from emergent entrepreneurs to mature pies, clients who benefit from a professional relationship founded on sound advice, value for money and genuine partnership. Contact your local partner, Keith_Atkinson at our Grimsby office, 27 Osborne Street, Grimsby, DN31 lNU or ring 01472351171. • Ciart,r,I A,,11111,1, A member of HLB International &~uwd "1 c117ry an ,..,Ju wm •nd-,/,,riud ta uzny a,. inws,,,.mt lnuirun by the l'IIUUWle of ChiZTtnrdAc,:.,..,._;,. Ensl,uul .,,.,1 Wiles 13