Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1996

,• 20th July Keelby v Brigg Rustons v Prince of Wales S.S.A. Scunthorpe v Haxey Cherry Willingham v Outcasts Barton v Nettleton Mines 27th July Nettleton Mines v Brigg Rustons v Cherry Willingham Prince of Wales S.S.A. v Scunthorpe Kirton Lindsey v Outcasts Haxey v Keelby 3rd August (2.00p.m.) Rustons v Kirton Lindsey Outcasts v Barton Keelby v Prince of Wales S.S.A. Haxey v Nettleton Mine~ Cherry Willingham v Scunthorpe 10th August Brigg v Outcasts Nettleton Mines v Prince of Wales S.S.AK Cherry Willingham v Keelby Barton v Rustons Kirton Lindsey v Scunthorpe 17th Aug (1.30p.m.) Brigg v Haxey Rustons v Outcasts Prince of Wales S.S.A. v Cherry Willingham Kirton Lindsey v Barton Keelby v Scunthorpe 24th Aug Nettleton Mines v Rustons Barton v Haxey Scunthorpe v Outcasts Brigg v Cherry Willingham Prince of Wales S.S.A. v Kirton Lindsey 37 Moh 26l Aug Bat1on v Prince f Wales S.S.A. Cherry Willing am v Haxey Outcasts v Ne eton Mines Kirton Linds y v Brigg Rustons Keelby 31st ug Nettleton Mines v herry Willingham Prince of Wales .S.A. v Brigg Haxey v Kirt n Lindsey Outcasts Keelby Barton v Cher Willingham Nettleton Mines v Scunthorpe 7th S pt Rustons v S unthorpe Brigg v arton Prince of Wales .S.A. v Haxey Cherry Willingham I Nettleton Mines Kirton Lindse v Keelby