Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1997
2 MEMBERSHIP AND CONSTITUTION OF DIVISIONS a. The Lincolnshire Cricket League shall consist of three divisions, namely a Premier Division and Divisions One and Two. There will be a separate competition for second elevens - formally Division Three. b. The Management Committee shall recommend to all members clubs prior to the A.G.M. the Constitution of all Divisions including the Second XI Competition. The Executive Committee shall discuss and vote on the Constitution of all Divisions c A member club of another league whose ground is within the boundaries of Lincolnshire and South Humberside, who consider their playing strength and requirements, as detailed in Rule 2.8, meet the Premier standard may apply. Applications shall be received by the League Secretary by 31st July and is not complete until the ground inspection fee has been paid. d. Division 2 and Second XI Competition.New teams desiring admission to Division 2 and 2nd XI Competition must apply to the League Secretary by 31 st July. The application shall be accompanied by the ground inspection fee as stated in Rule 8.2. Applications shall be considered at ttie A.G.M. No team shall be admitted to membership unless it meets the requirements as detailed in Rule 2.4. All member clubs shall be advised of full details concerning new applications prior to the A.G.M. CONSTITUTION e1. The divisions shall operate on a two-up, two-down promotion/relegation basis providing the clubs meet ground and facility requirements as detailed in Rule 2.3 and 2.4 There will be no promotion from the Second XI competition into Division Two or above, but the bottom two sides in that Competition shall seek re-election. e2. The bottom two sides in Division Two shall seek re-election to the League each year alongside any club seeking election to the League, providing any such new club can satisfy the ground and facility requirements. Applications will be considered and voted on at the A.G.M. and details of votes cast shall be made known. f. Where clubs finish equal on points for championship promotion, relegation and re– election then the situation shall be decided by :- (i) The team with the most wins. (ii) If this is equal, the team with the most batting points. (iii) If still equal, the team with the most bowling points (iv) Any situations not covered by these arrangements shall be decided by the Management Committee. 2.1 Ground Facilities The ground and facilities of all clubs in the League shall be of an approved standard. They shall be judged by an experienced groundsman plus at least one officer of the League or their nominee. Each member club ground shall be inspected as decided by the Management Committee or at other times as instructed by the Committee. A fee, as per Rule 8, shall be charged for each inspection and copy forwarded to the cl ub concerned. An officer of the club shall be present at the inspection and at least seven days' notice of inspection shall be given. 2.2 Ground and Facilities Marking The following marking system shall be adopted: There shall be four section titles: WICKET, OUTFIELD, EQUIPMENT, FACILITIES. Each section shall have four items marked on a scale of O to 25, i.e. 100 marks per section Section I- WICKET Levelness, condition of grass, top surface, freedom from weeds. Section 2--0UTFIELD Levelness, condition of grass, top surface, freedom from weeds. Section 3-EQUIPMENT Rollers and mowers, covers, scorebox, sight-screens. Section 4-FACILITIES Washing and toilets, changing facilities, eating, seating, parking and access. 2.3 Premier Division-Requirements For a club to gain admission to the Premier Division it must have the following: (a) Two sightscreens. (b) Ability to protect a pitch-covers (wicket to wicket) by properly constructed wheel on and wheel off covers (C) Bath or shower facilities. (d) Obtain a minimum of 80 marks out of 100 in each of the four sections as detailed in 18
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