Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1997
6.7 Match Results The home team must advise the League of their match result (including those interrupted or cancelled in both of the following ways:- (a) By t~lephone on the match day to the agreed nominated contact within the specified time penod. (b) By the official scoresheet to the League Fixture Secretary. The Scoresheets are provided and must be posted not later than 24 hours after the match. Captains shall indicate their opponents outstanding fielder in the space provided on the scoresheet and also mark the umpires as per Rule 5.1. Fines, as per rule 8 shall be levied for each non-compliance. 6.8 Intervals The tea interval shall be 20 minutes. The interval between innings shall be 10 minutes, but under no circumstances shall the 30 minutes be taken at one time. 6.9 General Points (a) Umpires shall report any club not ready to start at the precise appointed time. The offending club and start time should be noted on the scoresheet. Offending clubs shall be fined as per Rule 8. (b) An over which cannot be completed because of the incapacitation or suspension of the bowler shall be completed by another member of the fielding side, other than the bowler at the opposite end. (c) The outgoing batsman must meet the incoming batsman outside the pavilion. Umpires shall report any flagrant breach of this rule. (d) Teams shall use a standard cricket ball in all League and cup games.The ball(s) shall be agreed by the Executive Committee each year for the forthcoming season. A fine as per Rule 8.2 shall be applied on each occasion that a team abuses this rule. Each fielding side shall provide its own ball. It shall not be compulsory to provide a new ball, but the ball provided shall be leather-covered and approved as fit by the umpires, and must be in their possession before the fielding side takes the field. 7. SCORING POINTS 7.1 General The Leagues shall be decided on a points scoring system, where the team with most points at the end of the season shall be the Divisional winners. Points can be scored in two ways: (a) On the result of the match. (b) Bonuses for batting and bowling. A tied match is defined as a match where the two teams finish with equal runes scored, irrespective of the number of wickets lost. An interrupted game is defined as one where, because of interruptions by the weather, both teams have not received their allotted overs and no definite result has emerged. 7.2 Points on Result (a) To the team scoring the most runs - 10 points. (b) When the team batting second scores most runs and has dismissed the team batting first - 20 points (c) To the team scoring the least runs- no points (d) 5 points each in tied game. (e) 5 points for each in an interrupted or cancelled game. 7.3 Bonus Points BATTING-On attaining each specified score a team shall be awarded 1 point. These specified scores shall be 120, 140, 160, 180,200 (maximum 5 points) BOWLING-On taking each specified number of wickets a team shall be awarded 1 point. These specified numbers shall be 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 (maximum 5 points). Bonus Points gained in interfered matches count to a club's total. In the event of a team withdrawing from the League during the playing season all points earned shall be deducted, but personal performances allowed to stand. 8. FEES AND FINES 8.1 General The amount of each fee and fine shall be decided annually at the A.G.M., and shall come into effect from the date of that meeting. If any fee or fine is not paid within 21 days of the date of the account, the amount shall automatically be doubled. The annual subscription shall be paid not later than seven days after the A.G.M. or this amount shall be automatically doubled. 21
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