Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1997

·TURKE'/'·,\USTR!A·N!::'NZS\l.ANO-CYPRUS·AUSTRAL.!A·MALTA·BELGIUM·NETHERLANDS· Holiday Money! . ¼: 1 ILi :z ~ ~ ; *Foreign currency •ought and said on demand. j ! *Over20 different cmendes always on hand. . ~ ~ *Vompetitive •s. ~ I *ledieated eosla1er serriee point i ~ *Telephone ordering facility. i ~ ~ ~ *Travellers iheques ~ought and sold. ij i ! oneulenl o,eJBt !,umnclJlq lucllm~ ! ~ ; ·and Wednesday afternoons. ~ ~ t: q ~ *Frte car par11ni. ! ~ % u q 1 ~ 3 i FofllDI Post Office, Lincoln. ! ~ Tel: 015~ 685654 ~ l Opeo:Moo/Tne/'fllor/Fri -9am te 5.30pm ; ·Wed-9am to 5.00pm