Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1998

2nd XI CHAMPIONSHIP Division Two cont'd July 18th Bottesford v Cherry Willingham Scunthorpe v Louth Market Rasen v Rustons Nettleham v Broughton July 19th Keelby v Nettleham Scunthorpe v Brigg Louth v Cherry Willingham July 25th Scunthorpe v Alford Keelby v Bottesford Brigg v Market Rasen Rustons v Nettleham Cherry Willingham v Louth August 1st Rustons v Louth Brigg v Bottesford Cherry Willingham v Broughton Market Rasen v Scunthorpe Nettleham v Alford August 8th Nettleham v Brigg Cherry Willingham v Alford Rustons v Scunthorpe Bottesford v Market Rasen August 15th Broughton v Bottesford Louth v Brigg Rustons v Alford Scunthorpe v Nettleham Market Rasen v Keelby August 22nd Alford v Broughton Bottesford v Louth Cherry Willingham v Keelby Market Rasen v Nettleham Rustons v Brigg August 29th Brigg v Alford Broughton v Louth Cherry Willingham v Nettleham Rustons v Market Rasen Keelby v Scunthorpe August 31st Nettleham v Bottesford Scunthorpe v Broughton Market Rasen v Alford Louth v Keelby Cherry Willingham v Brigg September 5th Bottesford v Scunthorpe Nettleham v Louth Broughton v Market Rasen Brigg v Keelby Alford v Rustons September 12th Louth v Market Rasen Alford v Nettleham Cherry Willingham v Bottesford Broughton v Keelby To Be Arranged Market Rasen v Brigg