Lincolnshire County Cricket League Official Handbook 2001

The matter shall also be discussed at the next scheduled meeting of the Management commif:! ~ where the offending Club will be asked for their verbal or written comments. The committee r then impose additional penalties such as a written warning, enforced relegation at the end of season or expulsion from the league. 3.3 Teas The visiting team shall pay for a minimum of eleven teas. 3.4 Withdrawal Any team wishing to withdraw after the A.G.M. shall be fined £250 if the club joins another lea~ in the forthcoming season. 4. PLAYERS 4.1 Registration All players in the league must complete an E.C.B. registration form. The league secretary must receive the completed forms at least 14 days before the commencement of the season. Any club wishing to register a player during the playing season may do so providing that an E.C.B. registration form is completed. A Club may register the player before the commencement of a match providing that umpire(s) and the opposing team captain have countersigned the form. The form should be sent direct to the league secretary. Alternatively, a club may register a player during the playing season by completing a registration form and obtaining clearance from the league secretary at least 48 hours before the player's first match. 4.2 Transfer of players No league club, either through its officers, or any person interested in the club, shall approach during the current playing season any player of any other league club for the purpose of securing his services at any time without first giving seven days notice of their intention to negotiate. This notice must be given in writing to the secretary of the player's current club. No player shall negotiate with any other club unless he has fulfilled his financial obligations to his current club. The player's new club shall write to the league secretary requesting the transfer together with a copy of the letter sent to the players previous club and a newly completed E.C.B. registration form. The current club must contact the league secretary within seven days if they have any objection. No player shall play for his new club until cleared by the league secretary. The player shall pay a fee, as per rule 8. 4.3 Other leagues No player shall be eligible to play in the league, if they have registered or played for another club in the following leagues. (a) Lincolnshire E.C.B. Premier league (b) South Lines and Border league (c) Yorkshire league (d) Nottinghamshire E.C.B. Premier league (e) Bassetlaw league Any player who has played in these leagues for another club and then wishing to transfer to a club in the league must go through the procedure outlined in rule 4.2 4.4 Ineligible players Any club playing ineligible players in the league shall be liable to points deduction, fine or expulsion from the competition. An ineligible player shall be deemed as a player who has not properly completed an E.C.B. registration form with their current playing club or obtained a transfer as per rule 4.2. 5. UMPIRES Neutral umpires shall officiate at all matches. 5.1 Payment of Umpires During the interval, clubs shall pay the current league fee for Umpires, plus any expenses incurred. The league fee shall be decided at the AGM. Both clubs shall share the payment equally. If a match is cancelled and the Umpires are not informed and turn to officiate at the match, the umpires shall be paid half the current fee plus any expenses incurred. In the event of the Umpires turning up and no play being possible because of the weather they shall again be paid half the current fee plus any expenses incurred.