Lincolnshire County Cricket League Official Handbook 2002

2.4 League - Requirements. For a club to gain admission into the League, it must have the following (a) Changing rooms including washing facilities (b) Covers that protect the pitch from wicket to wicket (c) Sightscreens The club must obtain 70% of the marks in each of the four sections detailed in rule 2.2. For a club to maintain its League status, it shall make reasonable attempts to improve any shortfall in standards. If the Management Committee decides that, the Club has not made any progress towards improving any shortfall, then the Club will be recommended to be relegated or possible exclusion by the Management Committee. 2.5 Constitution (a) The Lincolnshire Cricket League shall consist of five divisions, namely Divisions Premier, One, Two, Three and four. All Divisions will be formed, whenever possible, of 10 teams. Although the number of teams in the Divisions may vary if agreed at the A.G.M. A Division 5 shall also be incorporated into the League Structure and will be subject to review after the 2003 season. (b) The Management Committee shall recommend to all members before the A.G.M. the constitution of all Divisions. The recommended Constitution shall be voted upon by the member Clubs at the A.G.M. (c) All Divisions shall operate on a two up, two down promotion/relegation basis providing the Clubs meet ground and facility requirements as detailed in Rules 2.3 and 2.4. (d) The Divisions shall be decided on a points scoring system, where the team with the most points at the end of season shall be deemed as Divisional Champions. Points will be scored as detailed as in Rule 7. If teams finish on an equal number of points, then the number of wins will be taken into account. If this is equal, batting points will be taken into account. If this is equal, bowling points will be taken into account. (e) No Club shall be allowed to have 2 teams in the same Division, with the exception of Division 4. This exception will only be allowed for one season, after which if that Club has not achieved promotion with one team, then that Club will be expected to withdraw a team from the League. (f) If a Club has a team relegated from the Lincolnshire Premier League and has a second team in the Premier Division, then its second team will be automatically relegated to Division One. (g) If there are new Clubs or teams are applying to join the League or relegated teams from the Lincolnshire Premier League rejoining the League, which takes the constitution to over 50 teams. Then the two teams finishing bottom in Division 4 shall seek re-election. 3. FIXTURES League fixtures will be formatted to play on Saturdays. The League Season will run for 20 concurrent Saturdays, starting from the first Saturday in May. In Divisions of over 1 O teams in number, the League may deem it necessary to play League fixtures on Sundays or Bank Holiday Mondays. Cup competitions shall also be incorporated into the fixtures, the opening rounds of which will be played on Saturdays, with Quarter Finals, Semi Finals and Finals being scheduled for Sundays in July and August. 3.1 Arrangement of fixtures All League and Cup fixtures will be issued to all Clubs by the 1st December. The fixtures shall then be subsequently published in the League handbook. It shall be the responsibility of the Clubs to notify the League of any re-arrangement or error of the fixtures before the January meeting of the Lincolnshire County Cricket League. 3.2 Failure to fulfil a fixture Any Club not fulfilling fixtures shall be fined as per Rule 8 and shall pay all reasonable expenses for the non-offending Club and the two umpires. In League matches, the offending team will be deducted 5 points from their aggregate total, whilst the non-offending team shall be awarded 15 points. In Cup competition, the offending team will be eliminated from that competition. Clubs fielding 2 teams in League or Cup Competition will be expected to give their 1st team priority. Any Club, failing to do so, will be liable for 5 point's deduction for both teams. Subsequently, non– offending teams shall be awarded 15 points. In Cup competition, both teams shall be eliminated from the relevant competition. 99