Lincolnshire County Cricket League Official Handbook 2016

.6. Catering facilities/ arrangements A Club shall provide teas in the pavilion or at a location within a short walking distance of the ground. Clubs must notify the management committee of any change in circumstance in tea provision so as to gain league approval. The inspector will award a maximum 10 marks for teas that are provided at a remote location. 3. Fixtures l.l. League fixtures League fixtures will be formatted to play on Saturdays. League fixtures will commence no earlier than April 11 and will be completed no later than September 24. The League may deem it necessary to play League fixtures on Sundays or Bank Holiday Mondays. Cup competitions shall also be incorporated into the fixtures, the opening rounds of which will be played on Saturdays, with quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals being scheduled for Sundays in July and August. 3.2. Scheduling of fixtures. All League and Cup fixtures will be issued to all Clubs by the 1st December. The fixtures shall then be subsequently published in the League handbook. It shall be the responsibility of the Clubs to notify the League of any re-arrangement or error of the fixtures before 1st February. After this date, no fixture shall be re-arranged. 3.3. Failure to fulfil a fixture. Any club not fulfilling a fixture; shall be fined as per Rule 8, shall pay the cost of teas to the non– offending club and reasonable expenses to the umpires. Offending team shall be deducted 5 pts from their aggregate total whilst the non offending team shall be awarded 20 points. Clubs fielding 2 teams shall be expected to give their 1st team priority. Any club failing to do so will be liable for 5 points deduction for both teams. Subsequently, non-offending teams shall be awarded 15 points. The matter shall also be discussed at the next scheduled Executive meeting, where the offending Club will be asked for their verbal or written comments. The Executive meeting may then impose additional penalties such as a written warning, enforced relegation at the end of the season or expulsion from the league. 3.4. Clubs failing to agree on re-arrangement of fixtures. All fixtures are subject to the explicit permission of the League Management Committee. After March 1st. permission will be granted for a rearrangement, within the season's boundaries, as long as both teams are agreeable and the application is made at least 7 days before the previous due date. If application is made within 7 days this will only be granted in wholly exceptional circumstances. If, at any time, the two clubs cannot agree a rearrangement then the League Management Committee will decide when and where a fixture is to be played. Any club not able to play on the date stipulated by the Management Committee will be punished according to Rule 3.3. 4. Players 4.1. Registration A player may only be registered for one club except when the League is made aware that the player is playing for another club deemed to be in a Sunday or Midweek League To register a player, the club shall enter the details of the player on the play cricket website. The play cricket website registration requires a full name ( including forename, middle names and surname), birthdate, address and other contact details for league approval. A registration should be completed prior to the game. However if a player has not been registered then a player may play providing the team Captain informs the Umpire(s) and opponent team's captain on the day of the game and then registers that player on the play cricket website within 24 hours of the game. It must be emphasised that retrospective or match day registration may not meet league approval. If subsequently discovered that rule 4.3 and/ or rule 4.4 may have been infringed then the player is ineligible. 107