Lincolnshire County Cricket League Official Handbook 2016

6.8. Late Starts Both teams shall be ready to start the match at the prescribed time, as detailed in 6.2. The umpire(s) shall note that a match started late without justifiable cause and tell the home team so that the time of start can be recorded with the match details on Play Cricket. 6.9. General points a) All matches to be played on grass pitches. b) All matches shall use a standard cricket ball. The Manufacturer and type shall be approved and agreed by the League at the AGM. All cricket balls to be purchased through the league and branded as Lincolnshire County Cricket League ball. Each team shall provide the Umpire with not more than 2 match balls prior to the commencement of each innings, it is not compulsory to provide or use a new ball. The Umpire may disallow or refuse a ball to be used, if decided that a ball is dangerous or gives an unfair advantage to either side. c) All matches will adhere to the ECB directive of limiting overs for young bowlers under the ages of 19. d) All matches will adhere to the ECB directive of fielding regulations for young players. e) All matches will adhere to the ECB directive of young players under the age of 18 to bat and keep wicket with protective headgear. General points (continued) f) The tea interval shall be 30 minutes. The interval between innings shall be 10 minutes, but under no circumstances shall the 40 minutes be taken at one time. The visiting team shall pay for a minimum of eleven teas at a cost of £25. g) Players shall bowl no more than one third of overs. Premier Division games of 50 overs per innings will have an bowler limit of 16 overs, Divisions1 ,2,3 and 4 games of 45 overs per innings will have an bowler limit of 15 overs. Should the game's overs change then bowlers limit shall be calculated as the overs divided by 3 and then rounded down 7. Scoring Points 7.1 . General Points can be scored in two ways: - a) From the result of the match. b) From collecting batting and bowling bonus points after reaching thresholds as written in rule 7.4 7.2. Definitions A tied match shall be defined as a match where the two teams finish with equal runs scored. An interrupted match shall be defined as one where because of interruptions by the weather, both teams have not received their allotted overs and no definite result has emerged. An outright win shall be defined as either: - • The team batting first scores the most runs and dismisses the team batting second. • The team batting second scores most runs and dismisses the team batting first, or the team batting first declares. • A win shall be defined as the team scoring the most runs irrespective of wickets lost. • A cancelled game shall be defined as when a game has not started. 7.3. Points on result. For an outright win - 20 points including bonus points. For a win - 10 points plus any bonus points achieved. The team scoring the least number of runs will not gain any points apart from batting and bowling bonus points as described in rule 7.4. For an interrupted match - 5 points for each team plus any bonus points achieved. For a tied match - 5 points for each team plus any bonus points achieved. For a cancelled game - 5 points for each team. 112