Lincolnshire County Cricket League Official Handbook 2016

.4. Bonus points Batting - A team attaining each specified score shall be awarded 1 bonus point. The specified scores shall be 120, 140, 160, 180 and 200 runs. The maximum number of batting bonus points available is 5. Bowling - A team attaining each specified number of wickets shall be awarded 1 bonus point. The specified wickets shall be 3, 5, 7, 9 and 10. The maximum number of bowling bonus points available is 5. 1.s. Teams withdrawing in mid-season. In the event of a team withdrawing during the playing season, then all games involving the withdrawn team shall be deemed as invalid. Consequently, any points including bonus points earned by other teams with the withdrawn team shall be deleted. All personal performances or achievements by players in these matches will be included in statistics for league trophies or awards 8. Finance 8.1. Fees and fines. The amount of each fee and fine shall be decided annually at the AGM and shall come into effect from the date of that meeting. If any fee or fine is not paid to the Honorary Treasurer within 21 days of the d t f th t th t h II b t t' II d bi d aeo e accoun, e amoun s a e au oma Ica y ou e. Failure to complete/confirm all necessary match information online £10 Failure to complete/confirm all necessary match information by the required deadline £10 Failure to mark umpire, or umpires, in a match £5 Failure to provide written explanation after QivinQ an umpire five marks or less £5 Absent for an AGM (apoloQies do not waiver fine) £25 Absent for a Executive MeetinQ (apoloQies do not waiver fine) £15 Failure to fulfil a fixture ( Doubled after first offence) £25 Failure to return a trophy at the January meetinQ £10 Failure to start a match at the correct time £10 Failure to use an approved leaQue cricket ball £15 Fee for a disciplinary appeal £25 Fee for Qround inspection £10 Fee for transferrinQ a player £5 FieldinQ an ineliQible player £25 Fee for a written complaint under rule 1.9 £10 Umpire expenses (Division 1,2,3,4 and cup matches) £29.00 Umpire expenses (Division 1,2,3,4 and cup matches) 1 umpire £43.50 Umpire expenses (Premier Division) £36.00 Umpire expenses (Premier Division) 1 umpire officiatinQ £54.00 Failure to comply with rule 8.4 (handbook/adverts) £10.00 8.2. Annual Registration Each team shall pay to the Honorary Treasurer an annual registration of £30 per team by no later than the 30 th November. The Annual registration shall be proposed by the Honorary Treasurer and agreed at the AGM. A fine as per rule 8.1 shall be imposed for overdue registration. 8.3 . Lincolnshire Cricket Board All Clubs playing in the League must be affiliated to the Lincolnshire Cricket Board (LCB). All Clubs shall pay the affiliation fee directly to the LCB before the start of the season. The fee shall be decided by the LCB at their AGM. 113