Lincolnshire County Cricket League Official Handbook 2016
Lincolnshire Cricket - Chairmans Message 'Over the last year Lincolnshire Cricket (formerly the Cricket Board) has looked to assess our work and make some changes. Staff have previously quite rightly followed a fairly rigid ECB lead but we now feel that our activities need to be improved in two main areas . What we do is extensive and includes Chance to Shine coaching in schools, organising social cricket, running Regional and County youth squads, coach education, club support, and much more. However we live in a vast county and what we do needs to take place county-wide when sometimes it occurs in parts of it. Secondly we need to support grass roots cricket to help clubs of all sizes be sustainable. This can include helping set up junior sections, giving coaching help, and importantly improve the transition of children from the Chance to Shine experience to then playing at their local club. We spent the 2015 season visiting a lot of clubs. This was invaluable in finding out their challenges and in deciding how to restructure our staffing over the winter to meet our ambitions. We will continue to meet officials and players at all clubs this year too so get in touch if you'd like to see us. The main change we have introduced is to split the county into three areas - north, central, and south - with each area being allocated to a Regional Officer. These new members of staff will be your first point of contact and their details are on our website, - Regional Officers are there to help in many ways and we will hope to see more people playing cricket in this great county as all Lincolnshire Cricket staff work hard over the coming months and years. The Lincolnshire County Cricket League plays a massively impressive role in providing cricket opportunities throughout a large part of the county. We have of course always supported this and hope that our service to you is enhanced even more so that between us we can serve the cricket community as well as we can in 2016 and beyond. Rob Bradley Chair of Lincolnshire Cricket 2
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