Lincolnshire County Cricket League Official Handbook 2016

League Chairmans Message 2016 Season As I approach my 24 th Season as League Chairman I am happy to report that we have a full compliment of clubs in all 5 Divisions. This year we say goodbye to Nettleham CC 1 st XI who make the big leap into the ECB League and I would like to wish them an enjoyable and successful stay in that League , in losing them we welcome back Market Rasen after their brief spell at that level . I am certain that the Rasen lads will be making every effort for a speedy return. We welcome into our family Lindum 2nds and 3rds together with Marshalls CC and trust that they enjoy competing in our League . The new clubs will bring some fresh faces into the League and I will look forward to seeing their development as the season progresses. It has been a hectic winter in many respects as no League Secretary was elected at the AGM which meant that Glen Sands and myself took on the role between us. Glen wil l deal with all correspondence whilst I took on the production of this years Handbook, I hope you all enjoy the "new look "and I've worked hard to try and set the contents out in an easy to read format. I must point out that it is YOUR handbook as wel l as YOUR League and you get out of both just as much as you are prepared to put in. It is extremely important that club secretaries correspond with Glen and, as a League, we will only correspond through club secretaries. The advent of result and scorecard information through our Play Cricket site has not been without problems throughout the 2015 season but it is my sincere hope that ALL clubs will make strenuous efforts to get all information posted by midn ight on the day of the game in order that Nigel Fisher can get his reports done for the Press without impinging too much on his family time on Sundays in particular! Our statistician (David Simpson) also stood down and was replaced by David Chambers who will do an admirable job following on I'm sure. Brian Simpson continues as Treasurer and keeps the League finances on a very sound footing and I hope will do so for many years to come , I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Preston Wallhead my Vice-Chairman for his continuing support and educated thoughts at Committee Meetings! Clubs and Leagues sink or swim on the efforts of volunteers they do not survive purely on players turn ing up , getting changed and taking the field so I would urge ALL to get involved in some way or other even if it is only brushing and re-marking pitches during the break between innings or putting out/collecting in of boundary markers at the close of play . I would like to praise those who put hours into preparing grounds and preparing teas etc. and urge every team to provide a scorer. It is well known that the who le country is beginning to struggle with Umpire numbers let us make every effort to reverse 3