Lincolnshire County Cricket League Official Handbook 2017

Rules and Constitution For the League 1 The League, Officers and Meetings 1.1 Name The League shall be known as the Lincolnshire County Cricket League (herein after called the League) 1.2 Officers The officers shall consist of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, General Secretary, Fixture Secretary, Results Secretary and a League Statistician and will be known as the Management Committee. These shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. 1.3 Annual General Meeting The AGM shall be held as soon as possible after the 30th September each year. The business shall be: To elect aPresident and Vice Presidents, Officers and an Accountant to audit financial transactions. To receive Reports and a Balance Sheet. Aminimum of 14 days' notice and Agenda will be circulated including any proposals affecting the League for which due and proper notice has been given. Clubs not represented shall be fined as per rule8.1 1.4 Extra Ordinary General Meeting An Extra Ordinary General Meeting may be called by amajority vote of Member clubs either at an Executivemeeting or by letter to the General Secretary. The business to be discussed shall be defined and 14 days notice sent to all member clubs. Clubs not represented shall be fined as per rule 8.1 1.5 Executive Committee The Committee responsible for transacting the business of the League shall be called the Executive Committee, herein after called the Executive. It shall consist of the Officers together with one representative from each of the clubs constituting the League. Twelve representatives shall form a quorum. The Committee shall have the power to deal with any matter that may arise affecting the League which is not provided for in these rules. 1.6 Meetings The Executive shall meet three times per annum in January, April and July, or at any time that the business of the League may require. Meetings in January, April and July shall be held on the third Wednesday of the month. (April being subject to fixture arrangements). Fourteen days notice of all Executive meetings shall be sent by post, email together with notification on the Leagues Play Cricket website to all Officers and club representatives. Clubs not represented shall be fined as per rule 8.1. 1.7 Management Committee The Management Committee shall consist of the Officers, as elected at the AGM. Their powers shall be to meet as necessary, to discuss and put proposals on matters affecting the League, to the Executive Committee and also to take action as defined elsewhere in the rules. 1.8 Voting Each Officer and each club representative shall have one vote only.The Chairman shall have the casting vote. Asimple majority shall decide all voting at the AGM, EGM and Committee meetings.A club in arrears by one month or more in respect of subscriptions or fines at the time of the meeting shall have no voice or vote on any matter. 101