Lincolnshire County Cricket League Official Handbook 2017

f) If there are new clubs or teams applying to join the League or relegated teams from the ECB Lincolnshire Premier League rejoining the League, which takes the constitution to over 50 teams then the two teams finishing bottom in Division 4 shall seek re-election. g) Any team wishing to withdraw after the AGM shall be fined £250 if the club joins another League in the forthcoming season. h) The Premier Division shall consist of a Maximum of 12 teams. Should the League need to accommodate an extra team due to relegation from the ECB Premier League the optimum number shall be achieved by relegating 3 teams to Division One and promoting the top 2 from Division One providing they meet the Premier Division requirements.The side finishing third will be promoted (if they meet the criteria) should either of the top two be unable to be automatically promoted. This process will be applied throughout ALL divisions where possible. Should the Premier League Champions be promoted to the ECB League and no team relegated from that League then only the side finishing bottom of the Premier Division shall be relegated but two sides shall be promoted from Division One where possible and so on throughout all divisions. Re-election to the League shall be sought by the required number of sides in the Leagues' lowest division. 2.3 Facilities - Entry and Basic Requirements The ground and facilities of ALL clubs in the League shall be of an approved standard. For admission into the League and for a club to maintain its' status in the League, aclub must have a ground and agrass pitch. The Pavilion shall contain changing rooms, toilets, and showers or baths. The club shall own or be able to use sightscreens and covers that protect the pitch from wicket to wicket. An Assessor shall mark the ground and facilities, for entry into the League which will be considered by the AGM. Aclub must achieve 70% (140 mar1<s) of the marks awarded. For aclub to maintain its' League status, it shall make reasonable attempts to improve any shortfall in standards. If the Management Committee decides that the club has not made any progress towards improving any shortfall, then the club shall be recommended to be relegated to Division 4.The League will charge afee as per rule 8.1 for each inspection and a copy forwarded to the club concerned. 2.4 Facilities - Premier Division Requirements The ground and facilities of all clubs in the Leagues' Premier Division shall be of an approved standard. For admission into the Premier Division and for a club to maintain its' status aclub must have aground with grass pitches.The Pavilion shall contain changing rooms, toilets, showers or baths. The club shall own or be able to use sightscreens and properly constructed roll on / roll off covers that protect the pitch from wicket to wicket. Alternative pitch protection can be in the form of ground sheets manufactured specifically for this purpose and be BSI approved. Such facilities must be in asingle piece with minimum dimensions of 70ft x 15H to provide adequate wicket to wicket protection.The Assessor shall mark the ground and facilities for entry into the Division, which will be considered by the AGM. Aclub MUST achieve 80% (160 mar1<s) of the marks awarded. For aclub to maintain its' Premier Division status it must make every reasonable attempt to improve any shortfall in standards. If the Management Committee decides that the club has not made any progress towards improving any shortfall they shall recommend that the team be relegated to Division One. 2.5 Mar1<ing of Grounds by assessors The ground shall be inspected by a nominated Assessor(s) as decided by the Management Committee. All inspections shall be by prior arrangement. The Assessor shall award marks as follows for the ground and facilities.All equipment etc. must be available at the point of inspection. 103