Lincolnshire County Cricket League Official Handbook 2017
CRITERIA Maximum Marks The levelness of the table 20 The condition of the table 20 The levelness of the outfield 20 The condition of the outfield 20 Evidence of groundsmanship 20 Covers 10 Scoring System (maximum marks awarded for a board = 7) 10 Sight screens (maximum of 5 marks for each screen) 10 Mowers - outfield 5 Mowers - table 5 Roller - heavy 5 Roller - light 5 Changing rooms 15 Showers / Toilets 15 Catering - facilities / arrangements 15 Car parking 5 TOTAL 200 2.6 Catering Facilities / Arrangements Aclub shall provide teas in the pavilion or at a location within a short walking distance of the ground. Clubs must notify the Management Committee of any change in circumstances for tea provision so as to gain League approval. The Assessor will award amaximum of 1 o Marks for teas taken at a remote location. 3 Fixtures 3.1 League Fixtures League fixtures will only be formatted to play on Saturdays. League Fixtures will commence no earlier than APRIL 14th and will be completed no later than SEPTEMBER 15th in any year. The League may deem it necessary to play League / Cup matches on Sundays or Bank Holiday Mondays. Cup competitions shall also be incorporated into the fixtures, the opening rounds of which shall be played on Saturdays/ Bank Holiday Mondays, with quarter finals, semi-finals and finals being scheduled for Sundays in July and August as necessary. 3.2 Scheduling of Fixtures All League and Cup fixtures will be issued to the clubs by the 1st December. It shall be the responsibility of the Clubs to notify the League of any re-arrangement or error in the fixtures before (not at) the January Meeting, after this date no fixture shall be re-arranged. Fixtures will then be subsequently published in the Handbook. 3.3 Failure to Fulfil a Fixture Any club not fulfilling afixture shall; be fined as per rule 8.1, pay the cost of teas to the non-offending club and reasonable expenses to the umpires if requested. Offending teams shall be deducted 5 points from their aggregate total whilst the non- offending team shall be awarded 20 points. Clubs fielding 2 teams shall be expected to give their higher team priority. Any club failingto do so will be liable to a 5 point deduction for both teams. Subsequently, non-offending teams shall be awarded 20 points.The matter shall also be discussed at the next scheduled Executive Meeting,where the offending club will be asked for their verbal or written comments. 104
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