Lincolnshire County Cricket League Official Handbook 2022
2.3 Facilities - Em,y and Sasic Tne grouna and faci/Wes of Cwbs in me IO:Vf s; 2 0, ,·s,ons er the league Mall b;; ol ar appro•,ecJ Standard. For aam,ss1on imo rhr: Lesgve w1d 'or ihe C/1.;D to riaimam ns status in tne Li:ague, a Club musr na11e e,r11er a Grass or Ar1ilic1al Pitcr, wn,cn are maintained to a good standaru 8. the Club snail either Owri or have.,$., of Sigh! $.•reens The •·Paviilori· snail consist of a mm:mum of Toi1e1s with Hana:.ash,ng Facilities. A Uu sr:a/1 achieve a minimum Score of 75% of the "applicable ·· marks to gain emry to the league NB' AppliCal>le marks are defined as those that only refer iO rhe Pia ·ing sun·ac,,, Sightscreer-s & Scormg facili:1es: ·90 our of 7 20 points) (~;ficia/ p,tcnes 75 ;;;· , of 1 oo as can not mark the levelness of the table as there ,s no table) 2.4 Facilities - Premier Division Requirements The ground and facilities of all clubs in the leagues,' Premier Division shall be of an approved standard. For admission Into the Premier Division and for a club to maintain its status a club must have a ground with grass pitches. The Pavilion shall contain changing rooms, toilets, showers or baths. The club shall own or be able to use sight screens and properly constructed roll on / roll off covers that protect the pitch from wicket to wicket. Alternative pitch protection can be in the- form of ground sheets manufactured specifically for this purpose and be BSI approved. Such facilities must be in a single piece with minimum dimensions of 70ft x 15ft to provide adequate wicket to wicket protection. The Assessor shall mark the ground and facilities for entry into the Division, which will be considered by the AGM. A club MUST achieve 80% (160 marks) of the marks awarded. For a club to maintain its' Premier Division status it must make every reasonable attempt to improve any shortfall in standards. If the Management Committee decides that the club has not made any progress towards improving any shortfall they shall recommend that the team be relegated to Division One. 2.5 Marking of Grounds by assessors. The ground shall be inspected by a nominated Assessor{s) as decided by the Management Committee. All Inspections shall be by prior arrangement. The Assessor shall award marks as follows for the ground and facilities. All equipment etc. must be available at the point of inspection. 2.6 Catering Facilities/Arrangements. A club shall provide teas In the pavilion or at a location within a short walking distance of the ground. Clubs must notify the Management Committee of any change In circumstances for tea provision so as to gain LCCL approval. The Assessor will award a maximum of 10 Marks for teas taken at a remote location. 3 Fixtures 3.1 LCCL Fixtures. LCCL fixtures will only be formatted to play on Saturdays. LCCL Fixtures will commence no earlier than APRIL 14th and will be completed no later than SEPTEMBER 15th in any year. The LCCL may deem it necessary to play League/ Cup matches on Sundays or Bank Holiclay Mondays. Cup competitions shall also be incorporated into the fixtures, the opening rounds of which shall be played on Saturdays/ Bank Holiday Mondays, with quarter finals. semi-finals and finals being scheduled for Sundays in July and August as necessary. 3.2 Scheduling of Fixtures. All LCCL and Cup fixtures will be issued to the clubs by the 31 st December. It shall be the responsibility of the Clubs to notify the LCCL of any re– arrangement or error in the fixtures before (not at) the January Meeting, after this date no fixture shall be rearranged except for Extremely Exceptional Circumstances and would require the agreement of both clubs and the Management Committee. Fixtures will then be subsequently published in the Handbook. 3.3 Failure to Fulfil a Fixture. Any club not fulfilling a fixture shall; be fined as per rule 8.1, pay the cost of teas to the non-offending club and reasonable expenses to the umpires if requested. Offending teams shall be deducted 5 points from their aggregate total on the first occasion of a concession, 10 points on the 2nd occasion, 15 points on the 3rd, 20 points on the 4th and 25 points in each instance thereafter, whilst the non-offending team shall be awarded 20 points. The matter shall also be discussed at the next scheduled Executive Meeting, where the offending club will be asked for their verbal or written comments. The Executive Meeting may then impose additional penalties such as a written warning, enforced relegation at the end of the season or expulsion from the LCCL. Any team conceding more than two fixtures in total shall be required to seek re-election at the next AGM. 19
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