Lincolnshire County Cricket League Official Handbook 2022

4.5 - Overseas Players - Players nor oom ,n the U.K. and ther,e.fore not d1gib1e to pla cricke: ;or Engiand shall oe allow:Kf ro pJa_v m the LCCL providing tt1e player has rie,s1ded in the U.K tor a m,n,mum continuous oerioa oi two years prior ro tne seaso,,. Piavars no: born in the U.K. and therefore not eligible to play for England and have nor resided in the U.K. for a cor.;inLJovs period at 2 years sfl;i// .:;1, ciasSea as an overseas p1ayer Oniy or.f: overseas otayer per ream per see.son sn,,1/ be a11ov.·eei ., club may 'lu, rep:ace 1, ,,:1:r reg1ste1ec overseas player with another overseas player under any circumstances. All reams will os al/o~nd co engage one overseas piayer wl"IO ,s an overseas Group 2 or 3 professrcma:. as aeimee1 ,n iatesr ECB guidance csee t1I1;2~owcesµ1<te;Ql ctoc!.iro"'1t12020109101 f 49o 7(764- 3B5/.C!J.1 t-ad63-dc2670a iQ@JJO!@cseas Piavers &la.Lew y Deflnirions-2~. c1;ecJr for upe1aresJ. No Group 2 or 3 overseas Player may oe registered afrcr 3 isr July 4t /.'le ~nd of me Si?l!SOn, all Grouµ .::: or 3 overseas players will be removed from Play-Cricket registration. In addition to the above, clubs may register any number of overseas players who are bona tide Group 1 Amateurs. In the case of any doubt, advice should be sought from the League Secretary For a/i registered overseas players, Home Office and ECB rules and guidelines must be fol/0l'lea. rr,e correct visa obtained, and the approval of the League Secretary obtained before the player is registered. The LCCL will make such checks as deemed necessary before giving approval to the player registrar. Clubs must ensure all players· visas remain current. Overseas playe<s and the Home Office Immigration Rules ,,_Uill""'"-900ffl"'t~~jD,~l,pt,,TJ,wn,a,tal.R..,,:•~D~-~-----dWIUl'..,.aa.aca:u"1pBJd tDliffll'dla'_.,~...... ,. .... ...,..,_,,___ dalr~~,-~~... ~IIN'paurooa.-i. Ttwt"e,sone~..tld'IA.U.sporumun~._,.,m 11:-sn«lhcP"~ctur--.e,-.,.()ll'~•~~~tor~~af~i..10~ i,pcr.i,n'ltaeUL ApU:~fra,,n~wJlf~l onro1al3&~--~~t>b ... laa,01.tplttwn~wiG1'10Cbe~UJ~~her<.pHI01t.1"'P,M:l•TN~~ ~~cre,cedU) nel~'t'OI.IUI ~~p'UUp'l'OU'~rfds INO. _, .....,.. ~., ...........u,17,r,.......,.,b~t=-tftrus. "'-'•......,,.~onGC~c,,,,~•1'-rot ·~-ltWP"'__,.'--• ~~~ ~.,cc..t_O;g,r~a,<.~-n.~..._ c,,tf'ol,-.p>~d. dwo • \t~l..::1...-d ....... .,, ,__,._1. ... ~10m:i.-_.. ,~-~i: ~"" ~...-~ ..__. ...__ lo ls~~__.,,i_~~ .. U'd ... ~- ~•"'A •'-...,"'Ill•'_.,_......,......_. ~cr 7.»11-....ui. s-....., .,~t:'. ,,_.._.... .,._.,...b_i.,_. .. ~u,o, _.,_...,.,'-11 ... .,,,..UC.•-".,, -~-.!:.rp--..fta1_,., -w:,---:.owr,,,..-.~t:a...~ .. t..-a.n~•~u:i .,.._, ....... ,.,.:r,,,,,,~ 1-~ ,-.,_......,,..., .. :p..,,.-...._~ -.!:mp.--...<l.~::,,!.O .. ~ ... .......... ~~ .... -"----~-tt..- :.-~-b ......... n....~..,,~~ •weir.aka;,~ l1' ~..,- ..... ~-- ~-- ... ,--· h~""IP'.a..dl<l.allll~g.-~ -"'1r-, .. . ...,'--- ~-.-.-..a .. , .. ,,,_ ......- ...."f-•~.a~– ~l,c.-,. .... ~~-- ;ir-.~1-.:::,~7,.7=;:--1~1----,-;:~~~7::'=-~apl~U•I>~-:=.:~-==~~ --~uw,,,-.-ea, r~U<--lm" ...~.(-,~~ .. -.U.-.d~4C" ~ .._,..-11••-:b.··· _..._,,_..,.__ ~-~ ....:na-....._ I -~--,~=--·~ ~.-o..--~a,11--..-:111--=---~ ;:r taD~ ... __,,,,.-.d_..,.,,: 5tOLC>hDtn..-.crr37~_....._ ••• .,_,.,.,.,,_ lT~-.-d:,. ••• _,__..U'lr~ll~~-...-"" I L.......-,..-.~::::,,~-U,W~,;,I~ I~-~=-·~- -::c,,-,-,:,1-.. -~. ...i!,:itw .... alf.--q~... ~--.a.--..:.,#'..-....-.~ '"· -~ .. ~ _,__,.,.. ..,4 1.~.a~ ... r~~ -~~ ..... ._.~.,....,...~~- ..-t-.n,,•~co-r-.-~~--- ..,,.__._._ ...,....,-.....,,,1.2_.~ ~ ... ~~u~ Vi~ ftltrY IMChanlsms.. :..u,.,.~~~ ...,....,.~_,,_~,.. , .,,~:,r~-=-•~~o,, ~-...ii., ..... ~.d•~--~ c:wa:,,-..._.,... ~.4,a~gr~ r--......_ _..,. ~-.,.~ Nocun-entvalklenuymechanisrM ......,.'F~-----· .... .,~ ............ - ........ ~..-,.,.. """"""- ~·----- .. ~.,, .... ........__ ..... c--o..G.llit,,IEl:"lvb~T- ~c,• .,,,_._a,~.,.... llerSCn!atlve& Visa -------....--....... •••-· .:W.U-.tt_,.,.......,_~'IC~Cll"C~~--U,:.,,:~ .. ..,<n<::M'1'._,.,.__.,~....------•<r-:=ar-1!oUII... -=.1e__,..,_....,,._,;.cr...i~~.---.,,~u,,.,..,,.;io..- ••• ..,c::r.::a.d!IV-..,rayoi--~~~,,c-=--:.--:r-r<re~.n..-cr......-~.J1/C)IO'--...:-=m.""•lll:.Oc""""'""O.....:a,•~.&.... ,W1r 21