Lincolnshire County Cricket League Official Handbook 2022

5.3 Scorers. Teams shall make every effort to provide a scorer for each innings of matches, for all league and Cup fixtures. 6 Rules of Match Play 6.1 Conduct of Matches. Matches shall be conducted in accordance with the latest edition of the "Laws of Cricket". The LCCL may decide to alter or dispense with specific sections of the"Laws of Cricket", providing that a majority agree at a meeting before the start of the season. All such variations shall be stated in rule 6.9. 6.2 Premier Division Matches shall be of 100 overs duration. These games shall commence at 12:30pm. All other divisions shall be of 90 overs duration. These games shall commence at 13:00 ,,., en,, maten 110/ at th1; correct rime; me offencJirg ctul:J sha1: be fined as per rule 8. 1. Each ream ,n tne Prem,er Div1s1on sha1: ;)3/ for 50 overs unless ell :ur eariie,. Each :eam in Division 1 and below shall bat for 45 overs unless all out earlier. If rhe team batting first is dismissed in less than their allocated overs. the team batting second shall be entitled to bat for the full allocation. NO overs will be carried over. Should a ieam barrmo ;i~~re rrs innmgs cios~fore the end Q/Jlleir alior.>JiffeC cvers~then the !)Qlvitag side shall receive ;ne full 5 bowling Qonus Q.o~ 6.3 ..., ;pires will a;:,ply a ve,y slJ"ic: ar,c consis,enr inrerp;e1a~1on oi the 1a1v relaring ro /eg– s,oe wide bal!s. Any oalf r,assing aown ,~ leg side o; :he tatsmar. and ows,c:e rne line o me leg swmp, wn,cn does rrot come ,mo comacr wirh rhe oar or a.ny pan o/' che :-atsman's persan, will be called and signal/eel ·•.wae bat!' regardless :Ji any movemem 0,1 the oatsman s part. other man m piay a ·reverse sweep' or ·swirclt 11,1 • fr !ha tatrar c:r-11ms1ancss, 11:e .oa!/ a\'if/ '701 be considered a 'wide Dali' simply oecaC!se ,t ~as oa.ssec rhe oars1;-1an on mia: would have been his leg- side. Premier Division & George Marshall Cup fixtures only. Over-rates. Teams are expected to bowl a minimum of 17 overs per hour. PREMIER DIVISION ,. Targer :ime. The larger r;/71€' for mecom,;!e;lon of a 50-over innings Is 3 nours 10 minutes This rarger will be ad1usred pro ra;a in tha evenc o, the scheduied number ot Ol'c:,'S in an mnings t:1e1ng less man 50. "71e umpires may also at their discre11or extend me target time allowed for the innings to compensate for unscheduled stoppages The appointed umpire(s) shall report any club that fails to achieve the target time to the LMC on WTU which will include any unscheduled stoppages. The LMC reserves the right to deduct points from those teams that are continually non compliant as Follows: 1st offence - Warning, 2nd offence Final Written Warning, 3rd offence 2pt deduction, all subsequent offences 5pt deducrion. ALL OTHER DIVISIONS 1. Target times. The target time for the completion of a 45-over innings is 2 hours 45 minutes. This target will be adjusted pro rata in the event of the scheduled number of overs in an innings oemg iess than 45. The umoires may also at their discretion extend the target time allowed for rhe innings to compensate for unscheduled stoppages. ii. Adjusting target times. The target will be adjusted pro rata in the event of the scheduled number of overs m an innings being less than 45. The umpires may also at their discretion extend the target trme allowed for the innings to compensate for unscheduled stoppages. The appointed umpire(s) shall report any club that fails to achieve the target time to the LMC on WTU which will include any unscheduled swppages The LfVIC reserves the nght to deduct points from those teams that are continually non compliant as Follows: 23