Lincolnshire County Cricket League Official Handbook 2022

Umpires· names Notable performances By 23:59 on the following day, the following information must also be uploaded Names of all players Batsmens' scores Method of dismissal Catches taken Full bowling analysis Wicket keepers Captains The away club in all league and cup matcl,es (and losing team in Cup Finals) must, by 23:59 two days after the game: Review all entries and correct errors, as needed Check '"confirmed" once reqwred changes are made. Any club failing to meet these requirements will incur a fine as per ,vie 8. 1 This will result in completed and confirmed scorecards being available on Play Cricket within three calendar days of the game. Under age players. not able to bat or bowl, stiou!d not be mcluded on the team sheet on Play Cricket but should be named in the comments .box Umpires ,wl/ be reques;i:a to nor-i,rate a Man of the fT'aiCh for all games and ,nriude wirliin 1he1r WTU repo11. They are also ::,.skea to mark any scorers that are present in i-,1:ir WTU report. 6.8 Late Starts. Both teams shall be ready to start the match at the prescribed time, as detailed in 6.2. The Umpire(s) shall note that the game started late without justifiable cause and inform the home team so that the time of start can be recorded with the match details on Play Cricket. 6.9 General Points. a) All matches shall be played on grass pitches unless approved by the Executive Committee, however artificial pitches will be permitted in the lowest division of the LCCL. b) All matches shall use a STANDARD cricket ball. The manufacturer and type shall be approved and agreed by the LCCL at the AGM. All cricket balls are to be purchased through the LCCL and branded as Uncolnshire County Cricket League. Each team shall provide the Umpires with no more than 2 match balls prior to the commencement of each innings, it is not compulsory to provide or use a new ball. The Umpires may disallow or refuse a ball to be used, if decided that a ball is dangerous.or gives an unfair advantage to either side. A fine as per rule 8.1 shall apply for non-compliance.or gives an unfair advantage to either side. A fine as per rule 8.1 shall apply for non-compliance. c) All matches will adhere to the ECB directive of limiting overs for young bowlers under the age of 19. d) All matches will adhere to the ECB directive of fielding regulations for young players. e) All matches will adhere to the ECB directive of young players under the age of 18 to bat and keep wicket with protective headgear. f) All member clubs must decide ,'✓'"lether they wish to partake in a traditional rea by no later than the January meeting. Clubs can either. These decisions are based on an entire season and nor on an ad hoe basis and will be displayed in the handbook i) agree to teas both at both home and av1ay matches at a cost of [30 to the away team. ii) agree to teas (if provided by the l10me team (a)) at away matches only at a cost of [30 to the away team ii1) not take part in teas at all, this does nor stop a team providing communal teas for them– selves or the umpires if they so wish 1v) A club may indicate that they will not be providing a traditional tea however that they will provide optional food after the game at a price of no more than 23 per head. Clubs will still be required to provide Squash/ tea and coffee during the game and during rhe tea interval may provide frnitl biscuits if they so wish The tea interval shall be 30 minutes. The interval between innings shall be 10 minutes. but under no circumstances should 40 minutes be raken at one time. The tea inrerval can be reduced with agreement from both captains and the umpires (explicitly) should no sit down tea be taken. 25