Lincolnshire County Cricket League Official Handbook 2022

Lincolnshire County Cricket League .,,.,, #;:::::;::; t~ ~ ' – .J...,11'.. - ~ Readers The Lincolnshire County Cricket League (LCCL) is committed to ensuring that all young people (Under 18) and vulnerable adults involved within cricket have a safe, welcoming and positive experience. ALL member Clubs must comply with England Cricket Board's Safe Hands Policy, which promotes good practice, helps raise awareness and ensures people know what to do if they have any concerns about children or the behaviour of adults in cricket. All Clubs need to appoint a Club Safeguarding Officer, who needs to ensure the Club follows the ECB Safe Hands policies. The Club Safeguarding Officer needs a current DBS,attend a Safe Hands course, and have a Safeguarding Children certificate. These are all valid for 3 years. The Safeguarding Officer needs to ensure that all persons with relevant roles within the Club have a current DBS. As a start it must be CaptainsNice Captains, Scorers and Umpires. The full list is in the Safe Hands document. Contact your relevant County Safeguarding Officer or Cricket Development Of- ficers if you require assistance. U13s playing in open-age (Adult) cricket The ECB has guidelines on the playing of U13s in open-age (adult) cricket the full guidelines are here. There is a LCCL requirement that all the parents of all U13 players complete a consent form and return to the league before playing. The County Safeguarding officer will also be informed. The consent form must be returned by 31 st March Prior to the season Helmets for Young Players. The LCCL insists on all clubs following the ECB helmet wearing guidelines which can be found here. ECB Fast Bowling Directives The LCCL takes the application of the ECB very seriously and considers a breach a disciplinary offence for which the Captain of the team in question will be charged. This offence typically includes a playing ban. For the avoidance of any doubt the Captain is solely responsible for the application of this direction, not the umpire(s). 32