Lincolnshire County Cricket League Official Handbook 2022
Principles: Lincolnshire County Cricket League Live-Streaming of LCCL games "' ~e r--... -:11 'r-f.-.. 1?( ¥ Readers The introducUon of proportionate controls on the use of live-streaming Qncluding video footage on cameras or mobile phones) and Its use on social media Is part of general data protection and safeguarding good practice. Photographs and videos are considered 'personal data' in terms of the Data Protection Act and GDPR. As with all personal data, it should be processed in accordance with the principles laid out ln the Data Protectjon Act. and other relevant legislation and guidance. The LCCL is committed to safeguarding children and helping clubs collect, store and share data appropriately. The ECB Safeguarding policy 'Safe Hands' ls available at www.ecb. The ECB club GDPR guidance is available at www.ecb co.ukmews/672545. Action: Before the game Advise the secretary that your club intends to undertake live-streaming of games. Before any game at which live-streaming is to take place, contact the opposition and umpires to seek their consent. If consent is not given, live-streaming should not take place. To facilitate this, it is imperative that contact is made with all visiting teams at least 48 hours before a game and a written record should be made of all replies which must be available for later inspection. The club Safeguarding Officer must be made aware of all permissions involving junior players. Obtain written consent from the player or parent/guardian of any junior player who will play in the game (see example content form attached). At games Clubs should prominently display notices indicating that live-streaming is taking place. For example: Please be aware that this game is being filmed by (club name) and the footage may be displayed publicly on websites and social media Please contact (insert club contact) if you have any questions or concerns -The League's Electronic Media Policy must be observed. Video footage taken by players or club members of a club must not be used to criticise or vilify any player or umpire. Reported breaches of this will be dealt with in accordance with League Disciplinary Procedures. Live-streaming must not be used as a Decision Referral System. Players or club officials must not video umpires on cameras or phones at any time. Play-Cricket confirmation. Within Play Cricket Scorer Pro is a pop-up box which is triggered before cameras are connected for match highlights or streaming. This pop-up asks the scorer to confirm that both captain and both umpires are happy for the game to be filmed and shared. After the game Ensure that the use of any video footage is in line with ECB and League policies as above. 89
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