Lincolnshire County Cricket League Bob Welton Cup Scoresheets 2006

I I LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET' LEAGUI! OFFICIAL SCOREIHl!:t!T Post1o Nigel Fi&ber, Stumhorpe Tdegrapll, 415 Park Square, Scuntllo,, NOJth lines, Dlf16 6JH. Fax01724 273101 Hom• Team ~ A-.y Team 5:Jo,..Jth feel~ 0Mslon£. ~I uJP Dno 17/h/06 Gama commeaGed 2.~ 0/ pm I tNNlNG60F TEAM IIAfflNGFIRST Ii~ i tNNINGBOFTEAM IIATTING&ECOND So\..J"trji Ke,{~ I , l rv-. .,..,... _ .._ _ I ,_......._,,.,,_ j;,= .. I lrh ,>, I r 1- . j _, j>.--- _. ~ Fall of wickets Fa11 of wicket5 1 7 • 9 tG 10 Team Fielding First I n11w0s I I I I "N/A ! ; ,J . ' • • . • ! • b $ IMf>J... J _- ii , - ' /l . Hom& Kaep11r••• S ...... ~ ... ~ .......... .Away Ke-eper... S .... £c.~....... Ump,re One (Block CaJtila111)...............- ..........................- ................5*9nalure.......... n.~•••m••"•......... ; Home Fielcrer af Maldl.. J.:..-;q.-\Y.'........... Away Flak'lerefMaf~h.. -/.l.. £.tf£,{f!:!J..4mpue Two (Block CapltaJs)-••• ~ ..;.~•.'.•• ~.t~~k.~............ .&ignat41re...... E,.. ~ .. ~,r...-:J?.J' Ov--- ' {l Dr--a.-;~ : '""/_, ,,/,. · ; ffome Caphlll s slgnatu~....................._••_,_.....AwayCaptaln'a Sign9tura.,1-4.. ~~ ....- ..........PREM DIVISlON ONLYi Umplres' comblnad marks fM 9ra<11nd (aut of 10)............ I PREM DIV•SION ONLY: Umpire One marks from bom• ... m (oul of 10)......- ............. Umpi,. One m11rks hum away team...........................Umpire Two m11dcs fnam hoffl9 team,................. Umpire Two mmll:s fl-om -ay team........._.~.., NOW ReMEMBl!R TO PHONE YOUR RESULT AND SCORES TONIGHT TO NIOl!L FISHl!!R'6 ANSWl!R PHONI! ON 016$2 651134 i I