Lincolnshire County Cricket League Cups Scoresheets 2007

vU ( ,-leTCl(..f' N"TZT'__ ow -r Fall of wickets Fall of wickets 2 9 11J 7 10 ~s 2.. !ec.1m_ f_iefding First Team Fielding S11c_ond Points Gained • Home Keepar•• kl•:!.f'!.e:r..'!:.~..•.... i?. !:.~.A•.-.,ay Keeper•• ~§.{.~~... ........... UmpiJ'e One IBlock CapitalsJ........ 1 64-.f:.':-::l.'if(/.:5.~fr.................... Slgnatul'if/.Jl,~~.. .. ..:.;r··\-;:; A/ Home Fielder of Match..................~;··-··.. Awav Flefdar of Match,...................... ~1\::;.·..,-·::·:;:,'w.'M Two (Block Capitals).&fi.A'?..t.~.......................... Slgn;(fure••. :fJ,, . ~~.,"?- Home Captain's slgnature........_ .. ,.J.'.,~................. Away Captain's Slgnatur&~...... PRl!M DIVISION ONLY~ Umpfles' combined marks for ground (out · PREM DIVISION ONLY: Umpire One mark from home team (out of 10)..................... Umpire Ona marks from away team........................... Umpire Two marks from home team... Umpire Two ma•ks from away team................. NOW Rl!l\11!'.MBl!R TO PHONE: YOUR RJ!SUL T .ilND SCORES TONIGHT TO NIGl!L FISHl!R"S ANSWER PHONE ON 01652 555134