Lincolnshire County Cricket League Cups Scoresheets 2008

( ( G•m• commenc•d pm Fall of wlckets FaH of wjckets ~ z l a It 11:> !C>l2. ~ 6 Hom• Keeper-':7.~.... s:.t.Q.Ctt;....- ....: ... .A~y K-.. ~ .....- ••.•• ".C.:.~.S~.....-.. U~~ One (B.{oc:k CapJtals)...... -:··~;,d..f.b4~!£.1Y~.r~nature.......Ll... ~--~.p.~.Y.n Kome Fielder ofMatdJ...»-~~ Aw!!,_fielder of Matdl.-... A~~~bd:::.ll'e Two {Blod< Capitals)... D..... s .. u~-~. .P-t1.. >Jr.:1............ Slgna.tureD •• a1:~~-Qf:!.. Ha,ne Captain's slgnahlR!',,:C~.. ~~( ••••••_•.Away Captain'$ Sfg11atu.........,•••• •...- ........., PRl!M DIVISION ONI.Y: Umpires' combined marks for ground (out of 10)............ PREM DIVIS10N ONLY~ Umpire One marli11 from home team (ou~ of 1'01...........- ........ Um)il Ona marks from •way t•am..............,_.......... Umpire Two mal1'.li from home team............... M , Umpire Two mazi(s from away team-............... NOW REMElllH!R TO PHONE YOUR Rl!SU AND SCORES TONIGHT TO NIGeL FISHER'S ANSWER PHONE ON Oi652 655134