Lincolnshire County Cricket League Division 1 Scoresheets 2006

( ( J LINCOLNSHlRE COUNTY CRICKET LEAGUE OFFIC[AL SCORESHEET Posl to Nig e-· Fislle-c. 5~u.<t1horpic Telegrap'"•. 4,'5 Park Squa,~. Scuntho.rpe. !fort~ tines . DN1 s 6JH. Fiax 01724 27310; tlameTeam \·f'f\(,;E\-\~'it'\ \':>T 'x l AwayTearn So~,\-\ \t,.E.~":>E.-, \s,- )<\ l>ivEsicm ON\:. Date 1 1.1+~NE. Ob Game commenced 'l..-~rn Fall of wickets B 4 5 • 9 Hi 0... ~ Team Fiel~!t1__9 First Home Keepe-r.• f J,?a:\~~~~I!~wa; Keepe;...-.. JI,.. Bm::t........._............. Umpire One (Blo~kC~pftals) ....... :.~f;:/>7'Jg-j;;.. !i::,~ .... ttL: ........... Signature............._,~ Home Fielder of Match.... !.?.f: .. ~/J~ . ",:;·}j-' Yiy fielder of Match•••• 4t.:.&'"i'J.~(tc.,.~ .. ~m~~e Two (Block Capita1s1... .U..:,":1,(~~.9.M.......,.............. ,.... Signature.......~; .. 7 ,na:,,..-... Home Captain's signature.~ ~llf;...,.............. AwayCaptain's Signature...... ll),,~~.................... flREM DIVISION ONLY: Umplres• combined marl<s for ground' (out of 10)................... PREM DIVISION ONLY: Umpir One marks from home team <out of '10)......................... Umpire One marks from away team..............................Umpire Two marks from home team .....................,. Umpiu, Two marl<sfrom away team............,.... NOW REMEMBER TO PHONE YOUR RESULT AN,D SCOReSTONIGffTTO N!G!.L ffSHER'S ANSWER PHONE ON 01652 655134 '7'i t.E \-\"Ptm ~ot-J B'i. \ '2.3 Ru..fl.lS .