Lincolnshire County Cricket League Division 1 Scoresheets 2006
(_ \ -· 101, <oo Fall of wickets .. -.-~ 1 z 5 z :s ~ I! 16 ' • 9 11) !""2.. ~~ l -0 "' Team Fielding Flrst 5 e..> rJ""'f'r1 o fl P.;,:_ 4" o.....,) r--.1 Team fleldlng Second t\ V t' l-£W'1 fR<J t, t.-kG-H .A-t""l Points Gained ,.J A I,.-- ._, Home Keepar.-.l:"!.. 16..t:l.&..r.!~.....- ...- ... Awai, Keeper-! ~~.(.r.:? ......... Umplra 01111 (Block capillllls)..... ~ •••~.~-£.~2.~...- ...._....- ...Bl9n11 .... Jlt..._ ........._ ............._ Kcrrne Fielder of Matctt•• £.~'te,Js... Aw-, Fialdar of Match... .0:.~A.l... "1'~'-~Umpire Two {Block C11pH11ls}... ~-~.!...1!!.R.2-e~-...... ....signature.......-..:........._••'..... ~ Home Captaln"• algnatura. ·--.........._ ..._ ...-.Away C~aln's Slgnafura... !~ ...- ..--.......... PREM DIVJBJONflN~: Uiree' c: ad marks for grauDcl Cout of ~).. 1°7"~ f O t" _ PREM DJV!S(ON ONl.Y: Umprre Ona marks from floina team (out of 1fl)..........- ...·-- um,1.... ,0... spad,:s fmm away team.. .l;).,.J~ .~plreTwo marks from homa leam..U.... w..wt.• f ·Umplra Two marlui rrom away team._..._,...... NOW REMEM&i:R TO PHONE YOUR Rl!8ULT AHi> 8CORE8 TONIGHT' TO NtGE!. FIii R'S ANSWER PHONE ON lt1f:52 655134 t.' .. -:. ,, )" ,'".":·
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