Lincolnshire County Cricket League Division 1 Scoresheets 2006

C 0 ·:, i '-'f' J"OTAL 1'3S /ii) ~ - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .i~;:::i~~ ~~ '#; 1 2 3 ' 4 5 6 7 · 8 9 10 °'~ q, 1~'6 i '33 11'1 -Z.1-+- ~-·r ·~-~-f~r· ..,.,S"c;orcu.1. \ •/ \:, '3 i., !>/ 'i & ioo 119 ll9 11 .. , 13& - ~ I 3 4- ~ '1 1 ~];,~ ·;J~t~t, \ '2.- 4- s l, 1 <n C\ ~o -- Team Fielding First Team Fielding Second Points Ga ins!d ;_.--.f~\.A, c.. ouS,..;, ~ !l_Rc.<:._~ R.__ :-J bARll"" wA!Z.D<, I 3 I - I "2-'L Home Keeper..... t \.... Kt\!.td.;.... '............. Away Keeper.. ~.1.'.?.5..i..d.. ~::f.\-i~f.U:'!.~ mpire One (Block Capitals)• .':-;;::;:~~~.~?S:.~ ·········..·········· .. ···········SigMtur~ .~.... - .. ... ~ __ Home Fielder of Match.~S.11.r.!.!?.~i~ .... Away Fielder of Match.f:.Qw.~?.-.;....,._.,_,,....Umplre Two (Block Capitals)•• i.~~~~£.-.~ ........................... Signature. .... • • ........,..... ~ ~ ~ ~ --~/ Home Captain's signature..... ~ ~ st..... ............... Away Captain's Signature.... ~~ ........PREM DIVISION ONLY: Umpires' c ombined marks for ground (out o 10)............ . PREM DIVISION ONLY: Umpire One marks from home t eam (out of 10)..................... Um.:a=arks from away team...........................Umpire Two marks f rom home team.................. Umpire Two marks from away team••••••••••••••••• NOW REMEMBER TO PHONE YOUR RESULT AND SCORES TONIGHT TO NIGEL FISHER'S ANSWER PHONE ON 01652 6551 34