Lincolnshire County Cricket League Division 1 Scoresheets 2006

C.1 I~ ttf., ~ j_ I ,1. W L. ~_._we f>ot.:i~t:..:t, o-r L· (!.."'1_. ~ Fall of wickets 6 ·r ·--3 --r-o FalJ of wickets 2 I :I 4 s i. I 7 2 I ~ 4 $ 7 • , 1~ .):.~ I 41f- I SI '51{- Slf ss J5' I 7~ :t. I I I '.3 S' ~ ., I I 3 Team Fielding First Team Fielding S_econd PojDtS Gained () Home Keeper... «..:.. ~t'l.1.'t......,,...... "P,•. 7l.Away Keeper....~.:.. ~~.~{cl.~.9.~........... iprre One (6fockCa.;Uals)... .'~:lL.f..V.~............._ ....... j..._ .... Sfgnat1.11;,.~....... ~~ .... Horne Fielder c:tf Matc:h.... k......... ~ ..\. l.1~.. Away Fielder of Match• .J.:.. ~~.~.~J. .··~···· mpire Two (Bloc k Cap!tals)f.1~Jd:-.~H:~!..€'1~.................Signatu&~~~ Home Captain's signature•••.. J...~ ........................ .Away Captain's Signature.. • .......... (.................. PREM DIVISION ONLY! Umpires' cc:tmbined marks for ground (out of 10)............ r PREM DlVISiON ONLY~ Umpire One marks from home team (out or10)..................... Umpire ne marks from away team........................... Umpir'.e Two marks from home team.................. Umpire Two marks from away team................. NOW Rl:M:EhlBER TO PHONE YOUR RESULT AND SCORES TON[GHT TO NIGEL FISHER'S ANS\~ER PHONE ON 01652 655134 0 w I 0 u• I 0 (J) 0 w )> s::: 0 m Iv I'-) m w CP I'-) -..J 'lf, '-