Lincolnshire County Cricket League Division 2 Scoresheets 2006

~ LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET LEAGUE OFFICIAL SCORESHEET Post to Nigel Fisher, Scunthorpe Telegraph, 4/5 Park Square, Scunthorpe, North Lines, DN15 6JH. Fax 01724 273101 Home Team Away Team INNINGS OF TEAM BATTING FIRST ~;... ;\"(,\3c,,~C) \l & \-l DivJsion Date Game commenced pm INNINGS OF TEAM BATTING SECOND ~ 1 N . G-r...r:,..~~ I &ow'-~o I '-, S"'E.\f~t-ls l \'1.. l,,,. U 1 1 l--~--SGv'6N> ? 1 P - /\f\~Q.SHl\(...L jc) f' NILWv"Vl /\ /'l I f\- 't-\t><(I..Oy j ·?,G, i;-.~"'.~-~~? I f'i . ~it==~~ NO-.- NO(°" ov "f'" O u '\ V 4 ~ 1 C.,.. \.-\0N\P\.fR.E.,/ LC-f" Cy-\~L'fo,\J L L ·. S:.~~V\St-.l'.:> l '2..o V,~_.r,,·::13 I C.. W~<1t.l'Z. 4 I ff\ , ~t'-l<N i)1c,Clt..1"1ij C:..~('J ~ v-JV'"'ll7SNf ~A : ;;(AIZOY' . - I 'Z.G L,"'.W Al 4 I J),. • -~~t.O'-/ s I S. V-.\~iV\.PI;!',.) Jc.<c..\.-10.l't\..-ro;.:J7~~~ .. \--\.~P--1 I ~ 1=,:::: ~il 5 I L . C.\-\~<l.<.:toi.. N . -~\A-Ml L.."'i~,JJ NO .., 7 . 0 0.... . I \ C) [ ~'i:<fil 11 I /J . ()1,~ 1,-,oV P . C---cco ..\~NO -~- ·- ::i · l\v'::>\ 1"-' j 7 C.• Ro$, $ ~~~~ FY---fC t( ,.... n R 1 -j" , e:,l...--1 sct-J l "=>-r w~-;v .. R..s I I\ . HA(.{OY I s I ·~C~ 1 1 a I s :tV\ftoY. I , \ \.:'.'.'.',~~ I ~ - 8.~L-=> - c;o,.J 061."1'-\::.D D . 1~,- · S .. ::1:.. ~f9 ~ . Goo.$0Vl/t\N ~~\Y._, 10 P. jV\ ,-fC.H\£1....L ~ ~9--( ~0<>~ \4, ~JI·"''\~10 ~0, N'L.~MA\J / -z,,v ,-} ' -: _, +,.~. ~,~/· .-; ,9 .-~1--,',t ~ .~ ~~1-~;.;..':·~ ~~~ J\j ~ ':;¥~,r-~:~3f.c,.1:-~ ·- Wkts Lost ·, b O ;_- ;;:.,.,i ~ :: 1(":;, · ',~il :~: ..~~.,., ~~ ~~:;,;~.-- 3'" • Wlct~ t nc;t <1'?..... Fail of wickets Fall of wickets 4 10 4 10 l'2..1 I \'l... I \'22.. i"~7 ~ Co C\ Team Fielding First G{I._, II\ s ?i ·-! ~ « u s Team Fielding Second Points Gained L L. "1 "' l>-o"::fl,t-J C T\ _ \-\1\ltOY ( '}_ C) :;f,t" , '"" .- " , , _ ... , 1 ~ . , .c.:;,il',-1.,:,-;;.,, "I· ." ·,, · ,i . --- " . , ..... ,. . Home K_eeper..........•....• c;::·i.:\· 0 ~PK~·;··Away Kee.per....................... 'Di\~·i.... .:i"J:;/'lA.~ne (B_lock Capitals)... "::::-:? •••• :~.. ~\·~ ··~~················Signat~re.~~·~ -5'1·Q'f') Home Fielder of Matc h ..•.......•.• :;r.··:··:{·· Away Fielder of Match...................... fx,·;\ ;;...... ue~·re ;.WO (Block Cap1tals).......: .....••• M....... S>..~ ................ S1gnature... .,.S......... 1 .......... Home Captain's signature•.•.. L.':'.:&......... G.~ ... Away Captain's Signature.~\~*•....•••.PREM DIVISION ONLY: Umpires' combined marks for ground (out of 10)............ PREM DIVISION ONLY: Umpire One marks from h ome team (out of 10)..................... Umpire One marks from away team.•••.......................Umpire Two marks from home team.................. Umpire Two marks from away team•.•••••..•••.•••• NO\111 REMEMBER TO PHONE YOUR RESULT AND SCORES TONIGHT TO NIGEL FISHER'S ANSWER PHONE ON 01652 655134 4