Lincolnshire County Cricket League Division 2 Scoresheets 2007
( LINCOLNSHIRE,COUN!_Y CRICKET LEAGUE OFFICIAL SCORESHEi¥T ~ost_!.O N_igel ~i:her, Scunthorpe Telegraph, 4/5 Park Squi\.re'....Scpnthorpe, North Lines, ON15 6JH. Fax 01724 273101 HomeTeam .- \'-·'~ 4~AwayTeam \~·.::$\~~Division ""2._ Date \,~\"g \.~ Game commenced \ •)OPm INNINGS OF TEAM BATTING FIRST INNINGS OF T EAM BATTING SECOND Fall of wic kets Fall of wickets 7 9 10 4 Team Fie lding Firs t Team Fie lding Se cond Points Gained 10 Home Keepe r•...•....•••~.-.~~••••••.••••Away Keeper..•.•••..••.•••. ":..l.• \:_~••..•••••.•..•. Umpire One (Bloc k Capitals)········/ ···& :::~:'::.:~~•. 7;1.................. Signature......................................... Home Fielder of Matc h ..•••.. r.-'.:J... • ...... Away Fielder of Match•••6:·.~····ffVy"~pire Two (Block Cap1tals).•••.• /.?./d.~/........................ Signature................................. Home Captain's signature............. . 1 . ..................... Away Captain's Signature......... l~!.:~ I.................. PREM DIVISION ONLY: Umpires' c o~bined marks for ground (out of 10)............ PREM DIVISION ONLY: Umpire , ma s from home team (out of 10)..................... Umpire One marks from away team•...••.•....•••.......•...•Ump1re Two marks from home team .................. Umpire Two marks from away teal'!,-··············· NOW REMEMBER TO PHONE YOUR RESULT AND SCORES TONIGHT TO NIGEL FISHER'S ANSWER PHONE ON 0165 2 6 55134 •
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