Lincolnshire County Cricket League Division 2 Scoresheets 2007

( (_ .. ....,..,, - 1.INCOLNSKJRE COUNTY CRICKET 1EAGUE OFFICIAL SCORESHEET H,>me Tllt.iilrn ~~ . INNINGS OF TEAM BATTING J'IRST FaU of wickets .. . . { l+Lf . Fa.II of wickets 2.+l1 1'4fI~1·2:1~ 1r~+?l"j\"l~I· lu - ',d\t I·~: 1·~1, 1 ·'t tl11·~ I½:, IW I Te.1_m FJeldjng Fjrst ~~-- I ,a...l \.- J _..g Home K_oeper••••••••• l.!." -o.SS. ~.....::-........ Away Keeper........~.-:-~':. ....Umpire One (Block Capitals).........L .......,),,'~~.Signature............ 1'.fr·~, ............... Home Freidet of Match....... ~.,.ti... Away Pfelder of Match......... • • •••••Umpire Two {Bfock Capitals)......... Al.,.~.... . ...-.................... ..Sl9nature••• :l~. .. ... ...... Home Captain's signature........ •.........................Away Captain's Sl!lnatu.-;a..&-1......... •.............;.... PREll1 DIVISJON ONLY: Umpires' combined marks for 9round (out of -10 ........... PREM DIVlSION ONLY1 Umpl~ . • arks from home t-m (aid of10)..................... U111~ire On11 l!'.arils &om awayteam...........................Umplre Two marksfTom home team.................. Umpire Two marks from awav te ................. NOW Rl!MIMBElt TO PHONE. YOUR Rl!SULT AND SCORl!S TONIGHT TO NIGEL FISHl!R'S ANSWER PHONE ON D1652 655134