Lincolnshire County Cricket League Division 2 Scoresheets 2008

LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET LEAGUE - OFFICIAL t.. ORESHEET Post to Nigel Fisher, Scunthorpe Telegraph, 4/5 Park Square, Scunthorpe, Nth Lines. DN15 6JH. Fax: 01724 273101 Home Team: Away Team: s Division: "2.. Start Time: \'33o\1S' Team Battin ·c.c~ Team Battina Second: Batsman How Out Bowler Batsman Total °'-~SS ~-~'~.o.l 1. 2 ~-~,~·.l ~-~ 2 3 ~-~,~~ 2. 3 4 . C'-A--/ \, 4 5 R.~,~ \.<i::) 5 6 ~ ...ccA-l C 6 7 ou"T"" 0 7 8 ~-~,~~ 8 9 Pt,....CcJlc--j 8' 9 10 R.~,~~ C> 10 c::>.>'l 0 Extras/Penalties TOTAL Fall of Wicket 5 -f'O Fall of Wicket 1 I 2 I 3 5 I 6 1 I 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 -==t-13) S2.IS ~ 22- I .A-i '2..131 \ s I~ 4- I -5 Team FieldinQ First: S:c • ~~Q."" Team Fieldina Second: ~ Bowler OverslMdns !Runs 1 ~~,~~ \"BI 6 1--z.. "-- 2 C.'<~~ Sl~I~ 3 D. 1..0~ 4 ~.Cc.A; 5 S . L'£· 6 ~ 7 Home Keeper: Home F.O.M.: s' combined sguare/outfield marks out of 10 Umpire 2 - Home Team Mark Out of 10: Um1>,ire 2 -Away Team Mark Out of 10: NOW REMEMBER TO PHONE YOUR RESULT AND SCORES TONIGHT TO NIGEL FISHER'S ANSWER PHONE ON: 01652 655134