Lincolnshire County Cricket League Division 3 Scoresheets 2006

............... ~('I-/ &~THIii INNINGS o:a= UAII IAnlN8 flUT ~-rw ILm.~y .,...., "' "'lie• t ISller, scuntllxpe Telegraph, 4J5 Park Square, Scvrltha,p&, Not1h Lines, DN15 6.JH. Fall 01724 273101 . tJhla{Oll :_ 1 D•tll -J.t /i /o/:, ( laame ccnnmenc:ed /, ) () p,a INWNCII ~ TUM U'ITIHGHCCIND KfE"t..4 t/ ~ •-z. I 0 ·, Pall of wlckllte J 9~ l~a T~m Fleldm11 First Homo _,.•• .t.;:!!~~--.Away ._ .•. ~(,l./!!:t!f!.{J-1.•••. u-.,~ •••-• c,j..,,,.. ~.'.2,1..:£-.:24....::'.._....•.•. ..1•..,...,.•. ~ ~ . - ~ - - (_..,,_1.:, \:_.5 'tt.,M .,,. L,,, (!_ u 77.& P- · . Hom. l'l•rdar of Matah.... ~ ..,.....,-........ u_..,. Away Pleldarof M•tcft_uf.~........ ~ .•• n,... -Umplre T'No ~k>ck Capltal•},.... ~ ...... ~ ...........,....- •• S........... Srgnalu ............... ·-..............._--$~:t.. ....... C ...... 111--.., ..___,- ~ . •~•••fRBM DIVISION ONLY: Umpire!l' cambfned m•rk• fGr graund (out of 10)... ~ ....... PIIIIM DlvtllDH ONLY1 Umpire On. mark• from home team {owt of 10}-.. ,u...._ ......, Umplra One marka f-rfm -•ll' 1-•m......"................... Umplre Two madcs ftom ham• lellm.......,;......... Umpl~ 1'Wo mark• fram awaay tHl!II................. NOW IIIMIMBlll 'TO PHONI YOUR RUULT AMD ICORl!~\TQNIGlff TC> NIGIL PllHlll'S ANSWllll lll\Otll. Oll ~en e&l'\34 ll l1