Lincolnshire County Cricket League Division 3 Scoresheets 2006

( ~ LINCOLNSHIRE COUNJ;J CRICKET LEAGUE OFF1ClAL SCORESHEET Home Team Riit.ou.G,#1 Awa.yTeam o\uM p,-, INNINGS OF "TEAM BATTING FIRST ~ aw · . - L/ ~ Fall of wickets FaJJ of wickets @ 1 .. $ ii 7 II ~ 10 2 s J4 'ir1 l (,:, Team Fielding First - tJ1I, J IV So;,.,,L -~ 1 Home K.eep er-•• J........ t;'(.U.R£JJ,••.••.•••••. ~ •.Away Kea.~T• •• .l;... L~aJ1/k'1=-J-............ Umpfre_One (B_lock Capitals}•. .,J)~_luf&:ffi.~.......................... Signat~re• .J.l~~~..........,::·"·· H. ome F,elde r of Match••• $..p,..F,fu:.°A~~Away F1elder of M~ ....................... ~ .... ~.. •....... ~_wo (Block Capdals)......................................................Signature..... .....................,._.:··· Home Captain's signature••.~..... ...':.......... Away- Captain's Signature•.• 1 ... ~ ..................... PREM DIVISION ONLY: Umpires' combined marks for ground {out of 10}............ • r' .,..ea::: • -,C-: PREM DIVISION ONLY: Umpire One marks rom home team (ou~ of 10)..................... mpf;Onemari<s from away team...........................Umpire Two marks from home team.................. Umpire Two maJ"ks fre>m away team................. NOW REMEMBER TO PHONE YOUR RESULT AND SCORES TONIGHT TO NIGl!.L FISHER'S ANSWER PHONE ON 01652 655134 $'. RoffA 2 t7 .