Lincolnshire County Cricket League Division 3 Scoresheets 2007
C ( (/ ) I ?\ j 1--t..) Fall of wickets Fall of wickets I s- -+o ~ 6 4 5 7 10 ~ S-1 c{o ft; u /'SO l tS~ Q 10 V- s 1 9_ ~ s Team Fielding First Team Fielding Second Points Gained 3_ 0 0 H K l r 1,,,/(0UT A K !SfE"/l/fVcTT - --u -.--0 (B_l____kC ·tl) /' ' .ff(,J:IA.T-r(<.c, M (l,___ s; t ome .eeper••• ,.... u~•• TaZ:/'r°T···1[F. way e~per........... :K•••••. 1...z:,i;:;:j~?iiiri.1-1":)f:,'" ne . oc ap1 as ········:er...... ~ :l.•;).., ..•.••.•.. ::: gna ~re..•••• -r~ Home Fielder of Match............... ./J .............. Away Fielder of Match.............................:~~J»-'{'wo (Block Cap1tals)...;.).... L~6~.~ ............ S1gna~ure.-=·•··........................ Home Captain's signature... iZ..:::..(.. ?.::.%..i:.............. Away Captain's Signature........ ~ ••....•.PREM DIVISION ONLY: Umpires' combined marks forg_i:o~out of 10)............ ' /' PREM DIVISION ONLY: Umpire One marks from home team (out of 10)..................... Umpil·e One marks from away team••••••••••..•••••••••••••••Umpire Two mar~from home team••••••••..•••••••. Umpi,e Two marl<• nom away team................. NOW REMEMBER TO PHONE YOUR RESULT AND SCORES TONIGHT "'°ilGEL FIS~;;~HONE~:13~ R s:::==--------
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