Lincolnshire County Cricket League Division 3 Scoresheets 2008

( ( LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY CRtCKE!T Ll!AGUE OFFICIAL SCORESHEET f'DBt to Nigel Fisher, ScunlhOlPB Telegraph. 4t5Pafk Squa~. Sc1mthorpe, Noith Lines, DN15 6JH. Fax 01724 273101 • Game can1.111c11ce-d Fall of wickets S i l fall of wicket~ l \~L+- e ~ l'ro 1 41 l'n j'nlb jh 1 81 Iii - 2.<; l= 7 'tl':zgl',gl'go 1· 1· 1· 1·----1 .. I T~m F!el_dlng_ Fim Ho111e Keeper...... .1.~tf!;.!:].9 .. 1(................... Away Keap4tr...~--~~:.......Umpl-. One (Block Capltal•).••- ......... !'.1,.:F.. ~g,\,B..!F?:iz;s·Slgnature.~......~... .. .... M Home f'ialder of Match..... /.::.Jl!l.(."J:........... Away Fielder of Match.-.... ~:~bl~rlilt'rl/.,;• Two (Bloi:k Capital•l·.. .:::f..:..t~.Qf.?.~ ..................... Slgnature _............... ~ Home Captain'& slgnature..... i.?.,.l.~.............. Awa)' Captain'& Slgnature..,... f~---·......... PREM D(VISION ONLY: Ulllpira& 1 combfned marks for- grou {out of tO}•.• ~ .... PREM DIVISION ONLY: Umplra One marks from ho- ban (ou~ of 101..............,,..... Umpir~ On• nuuks from away team...........................Umptre Two maffls Umpire Two mark& fro111 away team......,.......... NOWRE!Ml:MBERTO PHONE! YOURRl:SULl' __AN.D SCORES TONIGHT TO NIG!!Lf'ISHER'S ANSWER PHONE ~- ~