Lincolnshire County Cricket League Division 3 Scoresheets 2008

(_ ('"" ;.1 16 I. -': I '=. u, ::V ~v • v l < , _•- • - ''$-t'Y f I ':" - ..,, ' ./ I ".I" I ,Q) ) I Extra11pgna[tias I I 'L Fall of wickets 't 2 J .. , • 7 2 :, 4 ' ., , . 1G Team Fiefdlng Second Points Galned - ;ias1-ll-e-J I t\ I L I "3"'1. Home Fielder of Match... ::t~T,r." . .. ~ft/4J!..•r of Mata"--tK\.K..\1~'::\_........... Umpl:~o (Block tilil1tals}..).~;.. 6f.l/t.C;..f•N••.........._.,,........ Slgnature:::.=•• ~ •• Hom• K-p•r.. Jk.:m.e..11,$.,- ...·~~· .... .Aw t<eet,r-.O·~~--~:tJ.. &:,..!..... l?~ui:w,;,,;0ne (Blo;k Capitals)•• /i.~1:f..<1.[!/,~J./.,,". .,;.~-.;_y--····-....... SJgnatur•,~··~~- Hom• Cap1a(n's slgnatu......... J ...~.. · ..... ..._....... .Away Captain's Slgnattll'tt..~••••• f..M.Jt:.~ .. !.,,PREM D-IVISIOH ONl.Y; Umpires' combined marks fat 9rcu:nd {out: of 10)..... ~ ..;•. PRl!M DIVISION ON.LY : Umpire One marks from home (ou• of 10).................... Umpire On• marks from away taam........................... UmplN Two marks from home team......- ........,. Umplnt Two marks fNlm away taam......,.......... NOW HMl!MBl!R TO PHON.I! YOUR l!ll!SULT AND SCORIIS TONIGHT TO NIGEi. FISHBR. 1 S ANS"Wl!R PHONE! ON 01152 655134