Lincolnshire County Cricket League Division 4 Scoresheets 2008

•"""" Jflfh4N.#..4.$2@&.U.µ;;p::MW •T • ( a~C)~c:.JE. ._ S H-f1wf<;ll4>6$ F!'"~A~~'/. fall of wickets Fan of wickets i.+ . 1 :i l 4 1S '+- 1 \S~ ~ I 2. 1 I 7 l '--'t 6 • • 10 ~ 1~6 I~ i:~q I~~,_ I:~,; I' I" r~1 ~ Team Fielding First ,-AJ,J I ~ I ~ I ~ I 3 a " -y 1 ·: I . 1 s, I 4 ""£~l ~ · 1 tt. {AAit,gt Y o · zer , ;:J>, t../:%.,,v5o,J I J I o · I ,,., I o Homa Kaep•r•• ./..<b~!.o/........................ Awav x..,.,........... &{~~l'I............... Umplr. Ona (Brock Capltals)........ !f./!.l;.T...9.'t!!.Z':'!.l.f.l~tf..7. .._ ..•. Slgna1u.. ~ .... ·;y-~........ Homa fielder of Match... J.l,:~... ·."........ Away Fielder of Match.... Li1~.....~... "'i"'~lre"fwo {Block Capltals)~.~.... f.>~~............... .SlgnaturaC':r .. 1!!:-.:!~.~· Home Captaln's signal11re.••• .K.. -;.~......-......... -.•.,...... .Away Captarn 1 s Slgnatar...... J~.... f.. :PR!M DJVrSION ONLY: Umplr.a• combJned marks for9naund {0111 of 10).... _j::.,, PR!M DJVlSI0N ONLYc Umpln One mark• f.-om home t..m (out of 10).................. Umpfn One malka from awav team..................... u .... Umplre Two miuka from home team.................. Umpire Two marks from away team-............... NOW REMeMB.l!!ll TO PHOHI! YOUR RESULT AND SCORES TONIGHT TO NIGi!&. F'ISHl!«'S ANSWl!R PHONE ON 01652. 655134 .\.. ~