Lincolnshire County Cricket League George Marshall Cup Scoresheets 2006

Fall of wickets faJI of wickets ' l 4 5 i I 7 & 10 4-5 S2. ~s s i3.S lt+3 Lt- ~ IQ Team Fielding First Tea'!t fieldi11g Second Points Gained '.]"" '2\ 2ci \ \ . Y"\(' Home Kee-per '- ~D.2..~....Away K8e_per......... l-/..... C..l ••••• l............. Umplre One tB_lock Capitals>...............:.~...~. 70 ... 1 .,............. Signat~ra..........-·~"' Ho me Flelde~ ~f ~atch•.·~~· Away F1eld1>r or Matc~............................ r....... ··/lm'fj/Jf Two !Block Capitals)•• L~.:::1...:..... ~w...................... S1gnature.~•• ~ ...........-.•,.... .Home Captain s s1gnatu11 .......•.• ......•.• • ""~....... .Away Cap.tan'°s Signature...... fl..... ~ ......... PREM DIVISION ONLY: Ump,.,.s combined marks for ground lout of 10)............ PIU!!M DIVISION ONLY1 Umpll'e One marks fl'om home ham (ou• of 10)..................... UmplYa Ona marks from away team........................... Umplra TWo marks from ho ma team.................. Umpl:ra Two ma:rks from away taam................. NOW Rl!MIMBl!R TO PHON!. YOUR RESULT AND SCORIS TONIGHT TO NlGE!l. P ISHJ!R 1 S ANSWER PHONE ON 01652 65!5134 ·---..,,_ ..i