Lincolnshire County Cricket League Premier Division Scoresheets 2006

\. C Team fjeldjng First ~~~L,A!:~)11'\ MA.e<-R-ALL :;;r. - ~.,-; c.) p;._r._1::,3,... ._ Home Keepen.l.t-r..1~:: .....-........... .!r.-............. Away Keeper........\.\ ... w.. -rr_·-·...-·~~.... Umpue On~ {Block Capitals)...... ~ .... .1..'7~~·::..•····..···.... S19nature.......... 'l.""~A~ Home Fielder of MatcW.~b~........ '........ Away Fielder of Match•. r..·.~--{.-_~,f,-:.:: Two (Block Capitafs).~.).;.... ~ .................................... Signatu~•. ~ ............ 1 .. Home Captain's signeture...... 2.'..~................... ..Away Captain's Signatura•• 1 ..... ~~ ..~·---......... FREM DJV(SION ONLY1 Umpires' combined ~Tks for grouad (out of 10}.... ---· PRl!M DIV(SION ONLY: Umpire One -a~ from home team (out of 10)............. ~ ... Umplre One marks rrom away team.:....... . f .......-...... Umplre Two marks from home team............. ••• Umpire Two marks f(om away teamL.~......... NOW Rl!IIIEMBER TO PHONE YOUR RESULT ANO SCORES TONIGJff TO NIGEL FISHER'S ANSWER PK~NE ON 01652 655134 (;-1U~l\J UfL ---:f"" Tu Ll-( ~ ~+2 °) +i •