Lincolnshire County Cricket League Premier Division Scoresheets 2006

·' LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY CRIC~T LEAGUE OfFjftA/~~CORE~1ET Post to Nfgel Fistler. Swnthorpe T.elegraph, 4! 1rlc. sw,~r,. S91nlhorpe. Narth lines, DN15 6JH. Fax 0H24 27l10\ HornaTeam '3~,JV~N-1.. /r~/117?/ Away,'-,am \._ t/A/S.IIS'(tlf"4/JS. DMs]gnfJ!LJ.l(U.oat~ "~/7/C>& Game curim~nced/·~m INNINGS Of' T.EAM BATT™G?mlr ,-j tf INNINGS DFTEAM BATTING SECD~D ~ YV':) •1 ,,_ • -t::hl-~ 1 '"·"''"=;;,, 1 f'. ~re E """'"'"' ~ lE/i~~ A~ 714>~ g 10 Team fl~ldjng Fits_t_--,-- - ----.--- -,-- Team Fielding Second Points Gained - -----~----_[---~- - - ~ - ----' I:< Home Keeper•.•!-1...................... Away Keepe,.,w..~.-................... N ..... Umpire One (Block Capita!s)•••• Y..... ~.' .~.'::::.......................... Signature........,...-.~1)~·=··""··... ffc,me Flelcle1 of Matcb.:•• ~r~~:·;:· ~way Field~r of Match.S~........:...................Umpire Two (Bloek Capl'.tals)••• e-.I2:)..8W.SAM........................ Signature•• ~~ He>me Captain's slgnataue•• t'J)f?.:·~ .............. .A•r,ay Captain's Si9nait1ue... C1.!!..~... PREM DIVIStON ONLY: Umpires' combined marks for ground jout o~7.. PREM DJVISION ONLY~ Umpire Ona marks from hDme Uam lout of 10}........ g_.......... Umpire One marks from awayteam......-• .:::'i................ Umpire Two marks from home team...... e ......... Umpire Two marks frc,m away team.......~•-•• HOW RiJMEMBER TO PHONE YOUR RESULT AND SCOR:ES TOKIGHT TO NIGEL FISHER'S ANSWER PHONE ON 01652 655134 I -S S rorJ~ G 1) PrvJSurJ g+2 ~ *-f